Chapter 18

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~~y/n's Point of View~~

I left JJ's room. Grabbing my keys and left John b's. Trying to forget what my girlfriend just said to me. I thought we had trust I would never do anything with kie... now.

I was driving around trying to clear my head but nothing worked all I could think about is how fucked up I am, for leaving but I had a reason right? That sentence 'how am I supposed to trust you.' kept repeating in my head why would she say that I couldn't see through my tear stained eyes.

As I tried to keep in one lane trying to get to the Cameron's house I need to talk to Wheezie I reached for my phone dialing her phone number.
"Hey wheezie you there?"
"Y/n are you okay it sounds like you are crying."
"No..." as the rain poured harder I couldn't hear her or maybe it was because my phone went flying out of my hand or the ringing in my ear from the air bags.
But I lost everything as the cold red blood dripped from my head I don't know what is going on or what happened.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Where stories live. Discover now