Chapter 11

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~~Wheezies Point of View~~

After I dropped Sarah off to talk to Kie I knew where I had to go to see y/n. She always hung around Morris Island Lighthouse That is where she went when she was done with her life. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw y/n I stormed up to her. I grabbed her shoulder pulling her to face me.

"What the fuck were you thinking" I saw y/n roll her eyes "Hey listen to me now why? Why the fuck did you mess this up y/n," she looked mad her Jaw clenched

"I had no other fucking choice Wheezie...I love Sarah and I can't put her through this pain again" she bickered at me.

"I know you love her and she loves you too y/n"

"Wheezie you don't fucking get it she loved y/n...she doesn't love Charli" her jaw were still in clenched she started to walk away to go to her car.

"Don't fucking leave me...I need you" I felt the tears slowy coming down my face

"That's not enough. I am leaving OBX...for good tomorrow. I love you Wheezie" I saw her back as she walked towards her car as I thought that the last time I would see her I just got her back and now I don't know if I will see her again.

I turned around as I felt tears rushing down my face, the words she just said repeating in my head. I slowly got up from where I was sitting. I was walking towards my car as I got there I looked around slowly opening the car door to get in. I sat in the car for a while not knowing what I should do.

I looked at the time it was 2:38 am. I realized I was out here all night. I looked at my phone. There were 30 missed calls from Sarah and I had 20 messages from Sarah and Kie alone. I was about to respond when my phone died "Are you fucking kinding me" I started my car to finally go home.

As I pulled up to my house I saw Sarah talking to someone as I got closer I saw y/n as I walked into the house I felt as Sarah pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where were you Wheezie?"

"What did y/n not tell you" I looked over at y/n her face looked pissed I just realized what I just said I looked over at Sarah she looked at me up and down "y/n?" she looked over at "Charli".

"What do you mean Wheezie" She looked back at me with a death glare

"I-I don't know I just have been thinking about her"

"Wheezie let's get you to go to bed" she said as she took my arm we head up to my bedroom I didn't say anything because I felt like I would just tell her everything Charli being y/n that she was leaving and please make her stay, but I then again my lips felt glued shut.

"Hey Wheezie I miss her too but we just need to know she is somewhere better...I loved her so much and I know you did too" I pulled her into a hug. I wanted to tell her y/n is alive and she is downstairs...but I didn't.

"Are you going to be okay I will just be downstairs with Charli...if you want I can stay up here with you if you want" as much as I wanted to say yes but y/n was leaving in a couple of hours and I wanted Sarah to try and change her mind.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Where stories live. Discover now