Chapter 3

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~~JJ Point Of view~~

When Kie asked all of us If we think that Charli is y/n I got pissed she knew he long it took me to forget about her death she was my sister for fuck sakes I would rember and reconize her if Charli was "y/n" She is dead JJ.

I heard Kie say softly "I know I just miss her ok'' I went by her and hugged her

"I miss her so much J" kie started to tear up. "I want her back"

"So do I '' I said

We just sat there holding each other. I love Kie so much but sometimes when she brings up y/n it fucking hurts I miss her she was the perfect sister I just wish that I could have been the perfect brother.


Friday May 5th Is when I realized how much she loved me. Our dad came home wasted and was not happy. He lost all of me and y/n's money that we saved to move out of this hell whole.

"What the fuck dad that was her money." I spoke up

"Well may-ybe she should no-t keep this from me." He slurred all of his words


"Don't Fucking call me that I am YOU FATHER!" He grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall. He grabbed the knife next to him and put it to my throat. "I AM YOUR FATHER!"

"YOU NEVER WILL BE LUKE!" I screamed. He kneed me in my stomach. I landed hard on the ground and I felt his boot hit me. I couldn't breathe.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" I looked over and saw y/n. 

"NOTHING!" He yelled back. y/n ran over to me and she helped me into her car

"Hey we are going to leave here for good ok" I saw in her eyes that she was dead serious.

"Ok" I smiled back

"I will be right back there is something I want in that house that is mine" I tried to grab her wrist but she was too far for my reach.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BACK IN HERE" I heard Luke scream I saw her walk in. Sometime later I saw her walk out with her hand on her side and blood on her hand. She saw fear on my face.

She looked at me and said "Hey don't worry I am going to be fine."

"What did you grab?" She had a ring that was moms. She drove the fast way to John Bs. We stayed for a few weeks. On May 25th I woke up and walked towards the bathroom until I saw that there was a note on the bathroom door and it read

"Hey J please do not open the door I don't want you to see what I did to myself I told John B to look after you ok I love you kid."

I called 911. I stood there watching the paramedics. I felt hands wrap around me. I saw it was Sarah.

I looked at her and I said "s-she is gone Sarah... why did she do it?"

"I don't know, J." I saw her eyes fill with tears. She loved y/n. She had so many people that loved her. The only question I kept asking was "Why?"

~~Flashback over~~

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