Chapter 27

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~~Kiara's point of view~~

Three years ago I gave up surfing, I lost my surfer the one that always do dawn patrol with. The boys gave me y/n's old boards that she used to keep me surfing with her no matter what.

"Come on Kiara I want to be the first one out their others are showing up." I giggled as she was putting on zinc on her face that was bright pink.

She had already put on one of my wetsuits. "What is so funny?" She looked so cute. She came close to me and wrapped her hands around me and smeared her zinc on my face.

"There you look awesome." She smirked at me as she grabbed y/n surf board. Not even one of mine I only had one of y/n's. "Come on turtle."

I picked up some blue zinc and put it on my nose. "Fine Charli I am ready." She took my hand and we raced to the water as we were the first one out in the water.

"I call first wave!" As Charli paddled out faster than me. As she dove under the wave the same way y/n did.

"Fine!" I screamed trying to catch up to her. She sat up on her board.

"Come on turtle three good waves passed because I was waiting for you." I smiled at her as I tried to hit her she took my arm and pulled me off my board.

"You bitch!" I scream she was dying from laughter. "Hey not funny!" She held up her fingers saying a bit.

She looked back seeing a wave. "Mine!" I called out. Catching the wave as she screamed my name.

Then I fell hard off my board maybe don't take a big wave for the first one after not surfing for 3 years.

"Kiara!" I heard the splashing of charli coming to me. "Shit are you okay?" I laughed.

"First wave in three years and I fell on my face." She looked pissed.

"You bitch I thought you fucking died." She stated.

"Here help me on my board." She put her hand out but I yanked her off her board. She popped up from the water. Only a few inches away from my face.

"Your a bitch, kie" I saw her look down at my lips. We kept bobbing up and down from the waves.

Her hands softly touched my side as she pulled us closer even if the was possible. "Y/n.." I whispered. 

"Yeah." That is when her lips brushed up against mine my hands holding her head pulling her deeper into the kiss. I pulled away losing my breath.

"Your my y/n?" I smiled at her. Letting out a small giggle.

"Kie I wanted to tell you when I saw you walking on the pier." I pulled her into a short kiss.

"And you have a good reason for leaving me right?" She nodded. "Okay," I found her, I figured out Charli.

"Kie?" Her eyes everything was y/n. "Can we go for a drive." She let go of me and got up on her board as I began to get on mine we pedaled up to shore.

Taking each other hands as we made our way back to my car. Seeing the scar luke left on her stomach I knew she wasn't lying. She let me touch her to make sure I knew she was here with me.

"Kie, I am so sorry I left?" I shushed her.

"We will talk in the car." She smiled as she slipped on her clothes and let me do the same. We got in the car.

She told me everything as she just continued to drive around OBX. I couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. Jj doesn't know that his sister is still alive only me, Sarah, and Wheezie know.

"Y/n I am so sorry you went through this alone." I grabbed her hand.

"No Kiara I am sorry I left I shouldn't have I should've told you guys you could of helped me but I hurt all you guys trying to make it right." I touched her face.

"Y/n you were only 17." She wiped her eyes. "Please look at me y/n/n" her eyes were tired. I leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her lips, a subtle buzzing came through on her phone.

'Y/n are you okay?' It was Sarah.

"Oh shit I didn't tell her where I went this morning." I forgot about Sarah and I think so did she. "Kiara can we keep this between us." She pointed to the both of us.

She parked the car getting out to call Sarah as I just thought about everything that happened this morning the kiss and she wanted me to forget about it.

5 minutes went by until she got back into the car "Um Kiara-" I cut her off "yeah I don't care about that kiss it meant nothin-" she kissed me hard.

"Hey no don't forget about that kiss because I know I won't." I just looked at her. "I just need to figure things out." I bit my lip.

"Okay y/n." We drove to my house and y/n introduced her self as Charli to my parents to keep her self safe.

That day we just watched movies with my parents as she just held me. She told Sarah she was hanging out with me and she let it happen but y/n did leave me at night to go sleep with Sarah.


Who do you want y/n to be with?

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