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A year ago,

Jungwoo's POV

I returned back home that day at 8 PM. Did this mean that, we were now.. dating? 

Questions were storming in my head, and I wished I hadn't told Sooyun to keep her thoughts to herself. I wanted to know, did she really like me back? I wanted to ask her whether I could call her mine. I wanted to ask her so many questions, but I had told her to not reply to any of them. 

At that time a feeling of euphoria had went over whole body, and it was hard to ignore. It had slowly started hitting me, and courage was being replaced with embarrassment.  

"Don't mind me asking, you seem very smiley today." 

The driver, who I had asked to pick me up, asked me. I did not even noticed that I was smiling. I stuttered back awkwardly, "O-Oh i-it's n-nothing hehe." The driver smiled, almost as if he knew what had happened. "Is it too obvious I'm smiling?" 

"Even a blind man will be able to make out that you are smiling Jungwoo. Ah, youth. Good old days." he said. "I remember my days well, I met this girl once when I was in school." He is quite a chatty guy, I'd usually just smile as a reply, but I was curious as to what his story was. 

"What happened then?" I asked. 

"We are married now, have 2 kids." He replied, chuckling. 

I sunk into the seat, trying to convince my mind to not think of the thoughts which were to come. Erase it erase it erase it erase it. 

Thankfully just then, we reached. On entering, there was immediately a hit of a bad feeling. Something, it felt, was different. Bad different. 

Nevertheless I entered, and I immediately sensed someone else behind as I threw my backpack on the sofa. 

"Hello there, son." 


I stood frozen at my spot, before finally turning around. It was Mr. Kim.

I had almost forgot he was about to come back. And here he was, a little bit more aged since I last saw him. But he still had that glacial look on his face, a look I used to carry a few months. But his, was different. The glacial look could make one jump out of there skin, it could fend away demons. But it did not scare me. 

There were times I had wondered whether just like me, he held some deep guilt behind that look, or was he that cold. 

The first time I had seen him was a day after the accident. He would've been my father's age at that time. And that was how he greeted me , then too, a glacial horrifying stare. I had no one to hide behind, so I just looked away, trying not to cry. 

And here he was again with the same glacial stare, which had my nerves wrecked. 

"Before we talk about anything else, I have someone to introduce you to. Do not be too surprised."

I did not understand why he'd say that, he knew I knew that I was expecting a brother. But when I did see him, I knew why he had said that. 

He had brown hair and eyes, his hands in his two pockets. His facial expression was stern and strict, but had a side of mischief to it too. But what was scary was..

he looked just like me.

"And hello there, brother."

He said, a half smile formed very clearly on his face. 

"I'm Kim Sangyeon, and you must be Jungwoo?"


Present day 

Twisted (Sequel to You, Me and Us) - NCT FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now