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Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

Sangyeon sent a glare to Haechan as the pen kept on clicking and clacking in his hands, yet he continued doing it. Was it because he wasn't paying attention to the former's frustration or was he just wanting to piss him off? Probably the second. 

SANGYEON- You better stop that clicking and clacking before I slit your throat into two. 
HAECHAN- Oh? *pretends to be scared* I'm so scared! Mom come pick me up! *rolls eyes* I doubt you even know how to hold a knife right.
SANGYEON- Yeah I can. Want proof?
HAECHAN- *returns back to clicking the pen* I don't need proof for things I belief whole-heartedly, thank you.
SANGYEON- Have a death wish? *raises fist*

JUNGWOO- Sangyeon. We talked about this.

Mark and Jungwoo entered the room, just in time to stop the punch at the face.

SANGYEON- Of course, my homies are dumb so I'm gonna defend them. Go off I guess.

MARK- Don't you think you are a little too rude?
SANGYEON- *mimicking Mark* Don't you think you are a little too nice?
HAECHAN- You know what? We don't want to deal with you, so get out of here.
SANGYEON- I should be the one saying that. To you. You are the kind of person I'd give a high-five to. On the face.

HAECHAN- Try it. Don't be too surprised when you receive a fist bump on the nose. Hopefully it breaks. *rolls eyes*
SANGYEON- Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure the punch would be stopped by Mr. Homie Protector over here. Obviously, he has no other business then to protect you guys.

Kim Sangyeon. On the first glance, one would find absolutely no difference between him and Jungwoo, but as time would pass, you'd be able to find a huge difference between the two. Unlike Jungwoo's soft spoken self, Sangyeon had rather a sharp tongue, words  like daggers that would pierce through the listener's heart. He never had anything good to say about anything or anyone, one would think that he had some long since unsolved enmity with the humankind.

Unlike Jungwoo, Sangyeon did not have much of a fortunate childhood, with, you know, parents. He never knew how it felt to have a elder caring eye on him, he never had anyone to run to when he was scared. He spent his childhood in an abusive foster home, which took away his childhood, hid it away in a corner where he couldn't find it, ever. He grew up way too soon for his age.

It is said that an animal who lives its life in threat grows up to be defensive, biting everyone who would dare to touch it. Sangyeon was something of that kind.

This was exactly the reason why he was like the way he was, for if anyone tried to talk to him in a nice manner, he would shove them away. This came from the fact that whenever he wanted to know affection, he was harshly pushed away. So he thought that everyone is like that. A threat.

Sangyeon and Jungwoo, by coincidence, just looked the same, that's why the others in the gang would call them the North-South Twins, a name that suggested how they were polar opposites of each other.

JUNGWOO- Well I'm sorry that I care about the people I'm surrounded by.
SANGYEON- A little too much. I don't get it. Anyways too much of your bullshit for today so I'll take my leave. I need a good night's sleep and some time to recover from the amount of stupidity I have witnessed today.

With that he left the room, leaving the boys in the room shaking their heads.

MARK- Why is he like that?
HAECHAN- I don't know about that but I sure do know he is getting on my nerves. He'd be the first person I'd shoot down at this point.

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