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"Why is this feeling so tense like- the fudge knuckles is wrong?"

Jeongwoo whispered to Haruto, who was sitting next to him at the dining table: one of those long ones that accommodate 20 people. And the people sat and ate their lunch quietly, everybody being at a lack of words. Neither did anyone have the energy for small talk, nor did they have the situation in favor of them. 

HARUTO- Oh I don't know, every second person has beef or a past relationship with someone? Like, no shit Sherlock?
JEONGWOO- I was just asking--
HARUTO- First of all we have the love quadrilateral.
JEONGWOO- A love what-
HARUTO- See I'll explain: So there's Minhee over there. Who's sitting on the far end corners from where she's sitting?
JEONGWOO- Haechan?
JEONGWOO- Jihoon? What about it?
HARUTO- Oh my God you- so here's the thing: Haechan likes Minhee.
JEONGWOO- I heard something about that from Sooyun, continue.
HARUTO- But Minhee, as of yet, doesn't like him back. There was something about him getting rejected and now neither is ready to talk so they're just awkward?
JEONGWOO- And Jihoon is Minhee's ex-boyfriend but he still likes her- I see what you are talking about. See I'm not the best at Geometry but wouldn't that be a triangle-
HARUTO- It was, but I sense that the new girl has a thing for Haechan.
JEONGWOO- Kim Minhyo? Holy shit- how do you know?

Haruto facepalmed and turned his head for him to see Minhyo staring at Haechan with a smile on her face, and Haechan trying his best to ignore her.

JEONGWOO- Bro. This is some intense shit. 

Jeongwoo said while sipping on the lemonade which Hyunsuk had prepared for them all. 

HARUTO- I fucking know right?

JIHOON- What are you guys talking about?

The whispering gossip stopped by Jihoon assertive yet soft tone. That's just how he spoke, it had something to do with the leader aura he had developed, which would intimidate people.

HARUTO- Who? Us? Nothing.
JEONGWOO- Yeah we were just eating lunch haha. You were s-saying something?
JIHOON- I was just offering if I could take your dishes since I'm done and you two are done too. 
HARUTO- Oh right, you have the dishwashing duty today. Got it. Sure, thank you :)
JIHOON- O...kay. You're... welcome?

Jihoon batted his eyes at the sudden respect received from the two people who would never respect him, his friend. Whatever shit they are up to, you ever know with them. He thought to himself.


"Uh he- OH MY GOD- HOLY- THAT'S A LOT OF DISHES! Can I perhaps help you with them?"

Haechan entered the kitchen to keep his plate in the wash basin, seeing the poor Jihoon, sweating, doing the dishes of all the people as the meal had ended.

JIHOON- Oh Haechan-ssi- I don't think that's necessary--
HAECHAN- You can drop the formalities, it's fine. It's a bit weird for me. 
JIHOON- Sure. Uh- but point still stands, I'll be able to do them on my own.
HAECHAN- That looks like a lot for one person- I'll honestly kinda feel bad if I leave my plate here without helping you.

A soft tight lip smile followed the statement as he grabbed a set of gloves from the side shelf and joined Jihoon.

JIHOON- That's really nice of you, thanks. 
HAECHAN- Sure thing. 

A silence followed between them, Haechan decided to break it with small talk.

HAECHAN- When did you join Yousticia? 
JIHOON- 3 years roughly? I joined at 16.
HAECHAN- That's... rough. Your parents are also a part of it?
JIHOON- I.. don't have parents. I'm an orphan.

Haechan looked up apologetically at Jihoon, who had stopped washing the dishes, staring into space, thinking of who knows what. He blinked a few times before resuming. The former felt a pang of guilt on raising the said topic.

HAECHAN- I'm so sorry for bringing that up-
JIHOON- Don't apologize for my emotions. It isn't your fault. It gets to me sometimes, its more of a recent loss, you know.

He said with a humorless and empty chuckle.


HAECHAN- Jihoon?
JIHOON- Hunh? Oh- uh yeah. 
HAECHAN- Let's not talk about that if it is too sensitive of a topic for you. 
JIHOON- Thanks.

Another silence.

JIHOON- How long have you know Minhee?

Haechan's eyes widened at the oddly specific question.

HAECHAN- Almost a year. And.. you?
HAECHAN- Oh, so you guys go far back hunh? I felt there was something, because you are friends with Haruto and Minhee's friends with him too. Mutuals?
JIHOON- Well.. uhm- not exactly. We had been good friends. What about you?
HAECHAN- ..yeah. About the same thing. We are good friends. 
JIHOON- Seems a bit more than that though. 
HAECHAN- Does it now? Well I could say the same.

The sudden tension made the environment contusive, as the dishes were done. The two took of their gloves and washed their hands, before drying them.

HAECHAN- Well that seems to be a goodbye. Pleased to talk to you. See ya when I see ya.

But as Haechan proceeded out of the room.

JIHOON- She's my ex-girlfriend, if you were wondering.

Haechan smiled as he turned back to face him.

HAECHAN- I know. I just wanted to know how it's going with you and her. You still like her, it seems.
JIHOON- I have heard similarly about you too. 
HAECHAN- She doesn't like me back. I'm not going to fret and just stick with respecting that, you know?
JIHOON- That's quite wise of you, somehow?

HAECHAN- I wish you best of luck with whatever's going for you.
JIHOON- Same to you.

The two shook hands cordially, with smiles on their faces.

Was this competition or were either moving on?


MINHYO- Jihyo this is so sweet of you- I love you so much. 

Minhyo accepted the packs of candy which Jihyo had gifted her.

JIHYO- Oh aren't you just adorable? Take care on your way back~
MINHYO- This is too much love the hell?
JIHYO- You deserve all of it, love.
MINHYO- Jihyo~
JIHYO- Minhyo~

The older girl hugged the younger with much affection.

SOOYUN- Wow Minhyo out here breaking the record? Jihyo doesn't trust anyone easily you know.
MINHYO- Oh I'm honored. 

Sooyun looked across to the hallway. As expected, Minhee didn't come to escort them off.

HAECHAN- Well, bye guys!

Everyone chuckled at Minhyo, they all were whipped.


As they reached the car, Haechan came to a realization. His face went pale.

HAECHAN- Where are the keys to the car? Sooyun did you see them with me when I entered.

"Perhaps searching for this?" 

Sooyun froze on sight, as did everyone.

Kim Jungwoo, raising the car keys, a smirk on his face.


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