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Jihoon, surprised, switched the holographic screen back on, and zoomed in on the slightly unclear view of a ship, on which there was a even more unclear logo.

Haechan quickly snatched the notepad and pen and drew something onto it, and held it up to compare the image with what he had drawn.

HAECHAN- They sent us a clue, not a threat. This- this logo...

...its the logo of Subtilitas Ltd." 


"Subtilitas Ltd.?" 

Jihoon questioned, trying to recall the name, to no avail. Hell, he could barely pronounce the name.

"Its quite likely most wouldn't recognize it. I wouldn't be surprised." Haechan said, smiling warmly at the confused face. "Then, care to explain?" YangYang asked, to which he nodded.

"Subtilitas Ltd is an ammunition company. Sells stuff like guns, grenades, and the like. But what makes them the most dangerous is their very close association with the Italian mafia."

"The ITALIAN MAFIA- LIKE THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL?!" Jihyo exclaimed. "Heard that right, noona. I know. " Haechan said, as the gasps from the others were shut down.

SOOYUN- I still don't get how Italians have the most dangerous mafia, like- same guys with that pasta and pizza? Like please? Choose a side? .
CHAN- ...surprisingly valid point.

The siblings high-fived at the statement. 

HYUNSUK- So that's the logo is..
HAECHAN- Yep. I think now we can suspect a connection. You are saying that's the port Yongcheol owns?
SOOYUN- Yep, pretty much.

A moment of silence spread through the room. 

They were dealing with the mafia. 

JIHOON- Guys, lets keep our cool, we are all in this together. Don't worry. Let's have some dinner before you leave, Haechan and Minhyo?
HAECHAN- Yeah sounds about right because I'm fucking starving.
MINHYO- Yes please! I hope you have good food though.
JIHOON- Hyunsuk over here, has done a course on cooking so that's probably something you wouldn't have to worry about. 

Hyunsuk punched Jihoon in the arm playfully.

HYUNSUK- How many times do you have to say that in front of everybody for God's sake-
JIHOON- As many times as I can. Meeting dismissed. You all can leave. 

Everybody got up from their seats, and proceeded outside. 


Meanwhile in London, UK

Seungmin's assignment was disturbed by a hs phone ringing

"Hello?" He said, picking the call without checking the caller ID, still having most of his attention on the laptop.


His eyes widened at the familiar voice, not believing it to be true. Was it really?

MINHEE- Yep. Hey idiot. 
SEUNGMIN- How'd you- are you okay? Everything is fine? Are you not talking from your gra-
MINHEE- You know I just got over my 1 year training period, we haven't started missions as of yet? Just a lot practice. And this is how you greet me after a year? 
SEUNGMIN- Says the one who just called me an idiot.
MINHEE- Cause you are?

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