The Beatles Accept the Invitation

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Bruce and Dick were applauding when Marina was finished singing.

"Okay then. Do you like it?" said Marina.

"Like it? My dear, it was sensational" said Bruce.

"So can she perform, Bruce?" said Dick.

Bruce faced his ward, thought on it, then said "she's in the jubilee".

"Oh! Thank you, Mr Wayne, Mr Grayson!" Marina squealed.

"But, Bruce, do we have time for her to perform? With the rest of our entertainment selections, we're up to a three hour jubilee" said Dick.

"And it usually lasts longer than that. When you think about it, it's perfect" said Bruce.

"If you say so" said Dick.

Meanwhile, Meg was in the Beatles' apartment telling them about the plan.

"Bruce and Dick would really love it if you hosted it" she said.

"I dunno, Meggie. We've never hosted a jubilee before" said Paul.

"That's what I said. But Dick said how confident he was" said Meg.

"Well, what does Mr Wayne say?" said John.

"He agreed. He told me to tell you about it. Please do it, boys" said Meg.

"Well... there's nothing in our contract with George Martin that says we can't host a jubilee" said Ringo.

"So will you do it? Please?" said Meg.

The boys thought on it.

"We'd be happy to" said George.

"Yay! Thank you so much! I'll go tell the guys" said Meg.

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