To the Batcave!

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Bruce and Dick were visiting the Beatles.

"Beatles, I'm very disappointed in all of you" said Bruce.

"We know" said John. 

"And you have every right to be" said Paul. 

"You four realize, of course, you risked sentencing yourselves to death" said Bruce.

"The Riddler might seem jolly, but just because he's laughing doesn't mean anything's funny" said Dick.

"We know that now, Dick" said George.

"You should have taken that riddle to us. Dick would have figured it out in an instant" said Bruce.

"Impressive" said John.

"But you didn't. You got yourselves sued. And what's worse, you're the hosts of this year's jubilee. You could have put the event itself in danger" said Bruce.

"We were just trying to be heroes like you" said Ringo.

"We're only heroes when we have to be. And we have to be heroes when we know what's going on" said Dick.

"You're right, old chum. Beatles. Being heroes doesn't mean you go looking for trouble the second you sense it" said Bruce.

"But you always go looking for trouble the second you sense it" said Paul.

"Paul... Dick and I often don't sense trouble until Commissioner Gordon calls us on the Batphone. Even if we do sense trouble, we wait for the Batphone" said Bruce.

"So what you're saying is heroes wait to be called" said Ringo.

"Not exactly. They just wait or look for more information. Then when they know what to do and are prepared, then they spring into action" said Dick.

The Three Warriors then entered.

"Bruce! Dick! Are we glad to see you" said Sam.

"Likewise, kids. I was preparing myself to go find you" said Bruce.

"Why are you wearing your Warrior uniforms?" said Dick.

"Because the Beatles just got sued. We need to figure out what the Riddler did to them" said Calvin.

"And you can find out by looking at this document. Just look how much it costs! Millions" said George.

"It's not how much it costs that matters, George. It's how you earned it and what might come of it" said Bruce.

"But when we got it, the Riddler went on. He said 'when you've chewed over this one, look for two others'." said Ringo.

Then Sam got an idea.

"Could we borrow that document please, lads?" she said.

"Oh, by all means. We wouldn't be seen death with that thing in front of us" said George.

"Dick and I are off to get changed. You three meet us behind Wigglehouse in five minutes" said Bruce.

"You got it, Bruce" said Charles Wallace. 

"To the Batcave" said Bruce to Dick. 

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