We're Brave

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Bruce and Dick later visited the kids at Wigglehouse. 

"The Wiggles are confirmed into the jubilee, we've made other entertainment arrangements... we're almost ready" said Bruce.

"When does the official jubilee begin?" said Charles Wallace.

"On Friday. Have the Beatles decided if they wanted to host?" said Dick.

"Meg told us they do. I think they're gonna do it" said Calvin.

"Wonderful" said Bruce.

At that very moment, the Beatles entered the room.

"Boys! So nice to see you" said Bruce.

"Hello, Bruce, Dick" said John.

"And the kids! We thought you'd be here" said George.

"Where's Meg?" said Ringo.

"At work. She kinda wasted her day on helping us out" said Sam.

"I see" said John.

"Say, Bruce... you're Batman. I'd like to know what it's like being a crimefighter" said Paul.

"Well, Paul, it's not easy, but it's a good thing to be" said Bruce.

"I think it's fun. I always get excited when we get a call on the Batphone" said Dick.

"And a crimefighter is a mandatory thing to be. Those villains are so dangerous, only the bravest crimefighters can defeat them" said Bruce.

"Well, you and Dick are amazingly brave" said Ringo.

"And we're brave. Couldn't we be heroes like you guys?" said John.

"You've been heroes a couple of times, lads" said Sam.

"Yeah, but not like Batman and Robin" said George.

"I'm sorry, Beatles, but Batman type crime is too risky for you" said Bruce.

"Really?" said Paul.

"If you went anywhere near those fiends, you would never be prepared for what they have up their sleeves" said Bruce.

"Bruce is right. They're full of evil schemes. Most of them include ways to defeat you" said Dick.

The villains were listening in.

"Those Beatles are such dreamers" said Catwoman.

"They are dreamers, Catwoman, but you heard them. They want to be heroes like the Dynamic Duo. This changes things" said the Riddler.

"How does this change things?" said the Penguin.

"We trick the boys into doing something heroic. And then it'll turn out to be something silly. Everyone will think they've gone crazy" said the Riddler.

"But what do we trick them with?" said the Joker.

"We trick them into helping someone. The catalyst: one of my riddles of course. The trouble they get into depends on what they do. The person they help: You, Catwoman" said the Riddler.

"You're mad, Riddler! If Catwoman asks for their help, they'll know everything" said the Joker.

"You don't understand, Joker. She will be disguised as that lady from the audience. They didn't know she was her then and they won't know now" said the Riddler.

"Purr-fect, Riddler" said Catwoman.

"And she'll lure the boys into our sticky fingers" said the Penguin.

"Let's get started!" said Catwoman.

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