Fending Off the Fiends

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As Batman, Robin and the Beatles were leaving the discotheque, Paul and the Three Warriors had just made it.

"Paul! You're okay!" said George.

"I'm fine" said Paul.

The four villains found their captives free and they felt cheated.

"You said they couldn't get away, Riddler!" said the Penguin.

"And yet, they did. And so will we" said the Riddler.

Sam uppercutted the Riddler and said "No you won't!"

"Go take the Beatles home. We'll take care of them" said Batman.

Sock! Pow! Wham! 

Batman and Robin fought with the villains until all four of them were knocked out.

Chief O'Hara and his men arrived at the scene shortly after.

"Saints alive!" Chief O'Hara gasped.

"No, Chief O'Hara, not 'saints alive'. Four criminals caught. Take them away" said Batman.

The police took the villains back to prison.

"Now let's go talk to the commissioner" said Batman.

"About the Beatles" Robin guessed.

"Right you are, old chum. We must explain to the commissioner that none of this is their fault" said Batman.

When they got to police headquarters, the Warriors were there with the Beatles.

"Batman and Robin! You're just in time" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Are we?" said Batman.

"Yes. These three claim that the Beatles didn't mean to falsely arrest the Riddler" said Commissioner Gordon.

"No, commish, they didn't" said Sam.

"The Riddler tricked them" said Calvin.

"Beatles, is this true?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"We're afraid it is, Commissioner. Right after we received that lawsuit, we were taken by those criminals" said George.

"Did you find this true on the rescue, Batman?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Yes, commissioner. It was all a plot" said Batman.

"Please believe us" said Robin.

"I do, Boy Wonder. I was checking with the Dynamic Duo because I know the word of three youthful warriors would convince few others" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Then the lads are no longer at the mercy of the law?" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace, it's not that simple. But they no longer have the document in their possession and they are still hosting this year's jubilee" said Commissioner Gordon.

"And we think we have the perfect idea for a finale" said John.

"I cannot wait to see it" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Thanks. For... not letting the Beatles get into bigger trouble" said Paul.

"It's my honor, kind sirs. Now off you go. You have a jubilee to prepare" said Commissioner Gordon.

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