Many Thanks

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The Beatles got back on the stage as the crowd went wild.

"Thank you very much" said George.

"We're very honored to have been your hosts at this year's Gotham City Jubilee" said Paul.

"We'd like to thank you all for coming. And you should thank yourselves for coming because this was so fantastic!" said John.

"Thank you and good night!" said Ringo.

The lads got off the stage and joined Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara.

"Beatles, we cannot ever thank you enough. The Jubilee is a roaring success" said Commissioner Gordon.

"It was our pleasure, commissioner" said John.

"Would it be possible for you to host next year's jubilee?" said Chief O'Hara.

"We'll see. We're the Beatles. We always have a tight schedule" said George.

"But we will have strings tied around our fingers" said Paul.

"Again, many thanks, Beatles" said Commissioner Gordon.

"It's what we do, commissioner" said Ringo.

"Indeed it is, Ringo" said Paul.

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