Two More

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Bruce and Dick got into their Batman and Robin costumes and joined the Three Warriors right behind Wigglehouse.

"Now. Why did you take the document from the Beatles?" said Batman.

"Because they said the Riddler told them to look for two others. What do you think he meant?" said Sam.

"Two other riddles of course" said Batman.

"Yeah. And where can we look?" said Charles Wallace.

"Great Scott, Warriors! You mean to say there might be secret writing on this document?" said Batman.

"Exactly. What we need is a Batgadget to find it" said Calvin.

"You got it, Warriors. Back to the Batcave" said Robin.

The gang hurried to the Batcave and put the document on the Batcomputer's text analyzer.

"Look between the lines" Batman instructed.

Calvin read between the lines and found another riddle.

"When is the time of a clock like the whistle of a train?" he read.

"When it's two to two. Too-too-too!" said Robin. 

"Right you are" said Batman.

"What else?" said Charles Wallace. 

Sam read the second riddle.

"What has neither flesh, bone nor nail yet has four fingers and a thumb?" she read.

"Holy cold hands! A glove, of course" said Robin.

"It's probably an address" said Charles Wallace.

"I got it! 222 Glover Avenue" said Robin.

"You've done it again, old chum" said Batman.

"222 Glover Avenue. Isn't that the dance club not far from here?" said Calvin.

"Yes. Well done, Calvin. But you three won't be allowed in and nor will Robin" said Batman.

"Gawrsh. This could be a plot to separate us" said Sam.

"We'll never find the Riddler if we're not allowed in" said Charles Wallace.

"I'll go in myself. Robin will see that you three are safe. But you three must ensure that Robin is safe. He's about as young as you are, Sam" said Batman.

"I can take care of myself, Batman" said Robin.

"I don't like this idea, but it seems mandatory" said Batman.

The gang went to the dance club while the Riddler listened in.

"I did it! They've had time to solve the clue!" he giggled.

"Well done, Riddler. Now, Catwoman. Find the Beatles while the Joker and I prepare their trap" said the Penguin.

"Yes sir" said Catwoman. 

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