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Calvin and Charles Wallace were still searching for Sam.

Robin approached them and said "Any luck, guys?"

"No, Robin" said Calvin.

"There's no sign of her. It's like she's disappeared" said Charles Wallace.

"Holy Houdini. Where the heck could she have disappeared to?" said Robin.

"I dunno. It's like she fell right through the center of the earth" said Calvin.

As he said that, another trap door opened and the three boys fell right through it.

They fell into the Beatles' cell.

"Sam! You're here!" Charles Wallace squealed.

He and Calvin gave Sam a big hug.

"Sam. I was worried about you" said Robin.

"You were?" said Sam.

"Of course I was. It's you" said Robin.

Sam tilted her head awkwardly and shook Robin's hand.

"Sam, this place is full of traps. We need to get out and find what those villains are doing to the Beatles. Fast" said Calvin.

"Well. Look who I found right here" said Sam revealing the boys.

"The Beatles!" Charles Wallace shouted.

The Beatles gave the two boys big hugs.

"We missed you boys!" said John.

"And Robin! You're here too!" said George.

"Hey, Beatles" said Robin.

"Where's Paul?" said Calvin.

"It's Catwoman. She's got him" said Sam.

"Holy felony! We gotta get outta here and save him" said Robin.

"There is no way out" said Ringo.

"Seriously?" said Calvin.

"Yes. We've tried everything. These villains build really good traps" said George.

"Gee! Now what?" said Charles Wallace.

"You can't do nothing about it" said a nasally voice in the distance.

"Huh? Who said that?" said Sam.

"I did" said the voice.

The Warriors looked and saw a shadowy figure who revealed himself to be a guard in a black suit. 

"Who are you?" said Calvin.

"Officer Trevor Snell. I'm the guard of this cell. How did you get in?" said the guard.

"Officer, we didn't mean to get here. We fell through trapdoors" said Sam.

"Really. You've also fallen into my trap, trespassers. My trap of death" said Snell drawing a knife.

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