Robin's Escape (Sam's Capture)

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The Three Warriors were under the subway trying to find the unconscious Robin.

They brought Batman's universal drug antidote pills in case Robin was hurt.

"What do we do?" said Charles Wallace. 

"You guys go see if you can find any sign of the villains down here. I'll go find Robin" said Sam.

"You betcha, Warrior Sam" said Charles Wallace.

While Charles Wallace and Calvin went looking for the villains, Sam went the other direction to find Robin.

She saw him strapped to a table with his eyes closed.

She popped an antidote pill in his mouth and he woke up.

"Sam?" said Robin.

"Robin. I'm here to save you" said Sam unstrapping him.

"Holy nick of time, Sam. You sure know how to get past a villain" said Robin.

"I didn't. They didn't even find us" said Sam.

As Robin sat up, Sam fell through a trapdoor.

"Sam!" Robin snapped.

It was dark inside the trapdoor so he couldn't see what she was falling into.

Robin felt his tears coming on. He was really scared for his friend.

Charles Wallace and Calvin heard the noise and came running.

"Robin! You're okay!" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm okay. But Sam isn't. She fell through this trapdoor and I dunno where she went to" Robin cried.

"Well, let's not just stand here. Let's separate! We gotta find her" said Calvin.

He took Charles Wallace's hand and said "come on, Charles Wallace".

Robin searched alone.

"Oh, if anything happens to that girl, I'll never forgive myself. I hope she's okay" he said to himself. 

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