The Wiggles Audition

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The Wiggles went to Wayne Manor to speak with Bruce and Dick.

They knocked on the door and Alfred the butler answered.

"Ah, the Wiggles. Come in, come in" he said.

The Wiggles entered and Dick's Aunt Harriet greeted them.

"Oh! The Wiggles!" she gasped.

"Hello, Mrs Cooper" said Greg.

"Why, I wasn't sure you'd remember me, Greg" said Aunt Harriet.

"Of course we do. We always treasured that brief meeting we had at one of our concerts" said Greg.

"Mrs Cooper has talked about it a fair few times since, Mr Page" said Alfred.

"Has she?" said Jeff.

"Indeed, Master Fatt. She's been a fan since you and Mr Field were in the Cockroaches" said Alfred.

"Well, that's nice to know" said Anthony. 

"We're glad you remember us, ma'am" said Murray.

"Master Cook! I must tell you we've heard many good things about you from your beautiful wife" said Alfred.

"Have you? She sent us here to have a word with Mr Wayne" said Murray.

"Could we see him and Mr Grayson please?" said Greg.

"Oh, certainly. This way" said Alfred.

He led the Wiggles into Bruce's study where he and Dick were reading books.

"Mr Bruce, Master Dick. The Wiggles" said Alfred.

"Ah, the Wiggles. We're so glad you could make it" said Bruce.

Each of the Wiggles shook hands with Bruce and Dick.

"Sam told us she'd talk to you about the jubilee" said Dick.

"Yes. We told her we'd audition for you" said Jeff.

"You? Audition? All that matters to us is that you agree to perform. We want you to appear at the jubilee" said Bruce.

"But Sam implied that auditioning was a requirement" said Murray.

"Ordinarily it is. But the way I see it, it's impossible you wouldn't pass the audition" said Bruce.

"So if even if you didn't audition, you've already passed it" said Dick.

"Does that mean we're in the jubilee because we told you we'd do it?" said Anthony.

"Certainly it does" said Bruce.

"Welcome to Gotham City, Wiggles" said Dick.

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