A Good Cast is Worth Repeating

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in alphabetical order:

Madge Blake as Aunt Harriet

Murray Cook as himself

Marina and the Diamonds as herself

Jeff Fatt as himself

Anthony Field as himself

Frank Gorshin as the Riddler

Neil Hamilton as Commissioner Gordon

George Harrison as himself

John Lennon as himself

Paul Lynde as Officer Trevor Snell

Lizzy Mack as herself

Deric McCabe as Charles Wallace Murry

Paul McCartney as himself

me as Sam Pan-Cook

Burgess Meredith as the Penguin

Levi Miller as Calvin

Alan Napier as Alfred Pennyworth

Julie Newmar as Catwoman

Greg Page as himself

Storm Reid as Meg Murry-Stuart

Stafford Repp as Chief O'Hara

Cesar Romero as the Joker

Ringo Starr as himself

Burt Ward as Robin/Dick Grayson

Adam West as Batman/Bruce Wayne

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