Out Riddled

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The lads were practicing for the jubilee when a piece of paper flew into their apartment. 

"Where on earth did that come from?" said George.

Ringo looked at it and said "It looks like a riddle".

"What's it say?" said John.

Ringo read the riddle.

There were three men in a boat with cigarettes and no matches. How did they manage to smoke?

"Isn't that odd. Doesn't Gotham City have a crook called the Riddler?" said Paul.

"Yeah... this may be one of his work" said Ringo.

"What's his game?" said George.

"I dunno. But we're gonna find out. Then we'll be heroes" said John.

"We'll show Bruce" said George.

The lads followed the riddle's clues to the bar by the sea. 

They did find the Riddler in the bar. 

He was holding a gun close to someone's face as the person handed him a vase.

"Looks like he's threatening someone to steal a vase" said John.

The lads burst through the door.

"It's over, Riddler!" said George.

Paul and John tackled the Riddler and a bunch of photographers were taking pictures.

As they took the pictures, the Riddler started laughing. 

"Huh? What's going on?" said John.

"It's too delicious! You really thought I was committing a crime, didn't you?" said the Riddler.

"Beatles, the Riddler wasn't stealing that vase. It's his" said the man.

"But we saw you give it to him at gunpoint" said Paul.

"Gunpoint?" said the Riddler.

He clicked his gun and instead of shooting, a small flame appeared as if the gun were a cigarette lighter.

"Oh my goodness! Now I know the answer to that riddle" said George.

"What, George?" said Ringo.

"Three men in a boat with no matches. How'd they smoke? They threw one overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter" said George.

"Out riddled" said Paul.

"I thought you would be, McCartney. That's why I brought witnesses with cameras" said the Riddler.

"What?" said John.

"What is it that no man wants to have yet no man wants to lose?" said the Riddler.

"A lawsuit" said John.

"Correct, Lennon!" said the Riddler.

He handed the boys a blue document and said "When you've chewed over this one, look for two more. Adios, amigos! See you in court!"

The Riddler ran out of the bar cackling his head off.

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