Sam Finds the Lads

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Sam looked around where she was.

She had no idea exactly where she was. All she knew was that she was deep under Gotham City.

She had to find some way out.

Meanwhile, John, George and Ringo were still trying to get out and find Paul.

"Now what do we do? We can't leave Paul alone with her" said George.

"God, I wish the Three Warriors were here. They'd find us a way out of here easily" said John.

"But they're still trying to figure out what the villains are doing. They probably don't know where we are" said Ringo.

"We're just gonna have to break out of here ourselves" said John.

As it turned out, Sam was in the same cell the lads were in.

She overheard their voices and cautiously stepped towards them.

"Beatles?" she said.

The lads turned and saw her figure.

"Sam?" said George.

"Boys!" Sam squealed.

She hurried over to the boys and embraced each of them.

"Sam! Are we glad to see you love" said John.

"I'm glad to see you guys too" said Sam.

Then she noticed there were only three of them.

"Wait. Where's Paul?" she said.

"Out there with Catwoman. She's trying to steal our riches" said George.

"What?!" Sam snapped.

"Yes. She's probably killed Paul by now" said Ringo.

"Gawrsh! We need to get out of here and get him" said Sam.

"It's not gonna be easy. These villains must have gone through a lot of trouble to build this cell" said George.

"Well, we're gonna get them into a lot of trouble soon" said Sam.

"Where are Calvin and Charles?" said John.

"Up there. I was up there saving Robin and I fell through a trapdoor to get here" said Sam.

"Saving Robin?" said George.

"Yeah. I don't know what from, but he's safe now. And now we need to get you three safe and find Paul" said Sam.

The three Beatles agreed to those words and helped Sam try to find a way out.

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