Swallowing the Bait

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Batman and Robin drove the Batmobile to the dance club while the Warriors flew.

As Robin and the Warriors were legally unable to enter, Batman went inside alone.

"Any news?" said Calvin to Robin.

"Not a thing. Everything seems to be right as rain in that club" said Robin watching through the Batmobile's surveillance camera.

"Gawrsh, Robin. And we thought we'd find something suspicious" said Sam.

"We did find something suspicious when you think about it. Because if the Riddler lured us here, why isn't anything happen?" said Robin.

"Oh yeah. Good point" said Charles Wallace.

However, the suspicion was on as Batman drank a glass of spiked orange juice without knowing the juice was spiked.

Because of the drink, Batman was no longer in condition to drive the Batmobile.

The Joker and the Riddler were right behind Robin and the Warriors at that very moment.

While the Three got away safely, Robin was tranquilized by one of the Riddler's darts.

The Riddler and the Joker took Robin's unconscious body down through a manhole that led to an old subway station.

"They've got Robin" said Charles Wallace.

"It looks like their hideout this time is under the subway" said Calvin.

"I hate the subway! It smells like the inside of a camel" said Sam.

"Come on. They'll have made off with Robin before we save him" said Calvin.

At home, Catwoman, in her audience woman disguise, lured the Beatles toward her.

"I heard you ran into one of those riddles before" she said.

"Yes we have" said George.

"Would you please, please help me? I found a fiendishly evil one" said Catwoman.

"Hmm. If you don't do anything harsh" said John.

"Harsh? Why would I?" said Catwoman.

The lads reluctantly did her that favor. 

They'd swallowed the bait. 

After they unknowingly found the villains' secret hideout, Catwoman revealed herself to the lads and put them to sleep with her sleep-gas bomb.

The Beatles were in serious trouble just as the four villains had planned.

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