Chapter 1

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''Alright everyone great show!'' Buster Moon said as he went to the crew in the back.

''Thanks Moon.'' Johnny said.

''So since this is the last show of the year, it's time for some R&R we are did a vote of where to go and we are going to the moutains.'' Buster said.

''Sorry Mr. Moon. I'm heading home to be with my kids and Norman.'' Rosita said hugging them.

''Oh can I come?'' Asked Gunther.

''Of course.'' Ash said excitedly.

Buster smiles at her, happy him and Ash get to spend a vacation together. The crew got their stuff and left on the bus. Johnny was talking to Ryan.

''It was great to have you as an actual partner since Nooshi is out with her sprain leg.'' Johnny said.

''No worries. Catch you later big guy!'' Ryan called laughing as he went to his beautiful blue Mazda RX-8. He was about to open the door when he heard quiet crying and he looked around and saw not far on a bench was a wolf crying and Ryan recognized it was Porsha.

He went over to check on her, Porsha looked up and saw him coming over, her stomach had butterflies as she watches the handsome tiger come over.

''Hey Porsha, are you ok?'' He asked standing in front of her.

''No.'' She sighed.

He sat next to her and faced her. ''What's the matter?''

''Well, I'm not happy about the vacation, I mean my dad got locked up and well I've been living alone since my dad went to jail, I live here in RedShore but nobody wants to be with me.'' She said looking down.

''Hmm well why can't you go with the others?'' Asked Ryan.

''No, because they are all going on vacation but sadly since they planned this months in advance before meeting me I can't go.'' She sighed resting her head on his arm.

''What about any of your friends back home?'' He asked feeling bad for her.

''My friends real friends are going on vacation as well, and the ones that were my friends ever since word got around about my dad being locked away, they've blocked my calls and text or pretend they are busy.''

Ryan was about to ask when Porsha spoke up. ''No guy wants to date me because they have the same opinion of me as my dad, I'm a spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone and puts my needs before others, and now that he is in jail they are all scared of me.'' She cried harder.

''Porsha, that's not true, you're amazing, you have talent, your a great singer, have an amazing personality. They just haven't got to know the real you yet.'' He said taking her paw and he wrapped his arm around her back pulling her in a side hug.

He loved feeling her against him and he felt his heart beat faster, Porsha was blushing as well she loved how warm he felt and he was strong as well.

''Well, that's not true you got a friend.'' He said purring.

She looked at him wiping her eyes. ''Really who?''

''Me silly, I like you and being friends means we will see each other. Say you have your phone on you?'' He asked.

''Yeah right here.'' She held it up.

He took it and placed his number in her phone and called himself and he snapped a picture of himself on her phone and he looks at her grinning.

''Smile.'' He said chuckling.

''Like how? Any type of face?'' She asked excitedly and enjoy this attention.

''Just a smile.'' He said.

She posed with a grin and he took her picture. ''Perfect.'' He showed her.

''Oh no! I look horrible.'' She tried to reach his phone as he held it out of reach. 

''Nope I like it.'' He smiles.

''So what about being friends, would you like us to be friends?'' He asked taking her paw.

''Heck ya!'' She smiled and hugged him.

He hugged her back grinning felt his fur heat up, he was surprised by this and she was a pretty wolf with an amazing singing voice and talent and he saw her stand up to her dad.

They pulled away and Porsha felt her face heat up. ''Thanks Ryan you're amazing and I love your preformance.'' She smiled.

''Thanks, say let me take you back home.'' He offered.

''Are you sure?'' She asked excitedly.

''Of course what friend would I be if I didn't.'' He smiled as she got in and looked around.

''Nice car.'' She complimented.

''Thanks.'' He smiled as he took off to her place.

They talked for a bit. ''So what do you want to do tomorrow?'' Porsha asked.

''Hmm well how about we go walking around town or something.'' He suggested.

''Sure.'' She grins.

They pulled up to her place. ''I'll message you tomorrow.'' He said as she got out and he watched her go in and then went home himself.

He smiled thinking of her, she was very beautiful and he heard other animals talk about her and they liked her as well. He felt bad for her but he was gonna be friends with her, he felt something inside like butterflies.

He drove home and was still thinking about her, he pulls to his home and parked his car and went inside.

''Hey honey your back. Want something to eat?'' Asked his mom.

''Nah I'm good thanks.'' He smiled.

His mom noticed his face. ''You ok sweetheart?'' She asked going to the steps.

''Yeah just fine mom.'' He blushes thinking of Porsha.

''Anything you want to talk about?'' She asked sweetly.

''No I'm good mom. Good night.'' He smiled going to his room.

The older tiger watched her son go and smiled getting an idea of what it was, her mother instinct that there was a certain girl getting his attention.

''Good night son.'' She smiled going to the living room to watch tv.

Ryan laid on his bed and texted Porsha.

'Good night.'

Porsha in her bed saw her phone go off and texted back. 

'Good night.'

Here we go this is for Eron1999 so enjoy. I only write it he's the real author.

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