Chapter 17

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Ryan was thrilled as his heart raced as he was speeding down the racetrack for practice. So much had happened for Ryan, he managed to get a hot girlfriend, and he was able to race in an actual race in a car he had worked on, and he had the best practice coaches around.

''He's doing really good for a first-time racer.'' Wolf said to Alex.

''Yeah, let's hope he can crush it tomorrow. It could be a future for him if he wants.'' Alex answered.

Ryan came zooming up and did a perfect break at the pits next to them as he got out and took off his helmet.

''I got to say I love racing in this car! So, when is the next training session?'' He asked.

''Actually, this is the last one for you, the race is tomorrow.'' Wolf said smirking.

''No way really?'' Asked Ryan who was feeling nervous with butterflies in his stomach.

''Yep, and you're going to do great.'' Alex said.

Ryan's phone went off and he looked to see it was Smokey.

''Hey Smokey, what's up?'' Asked Ryan

''Not much say Ryan I need you and your training coaches to go to the garage and see if the car is ready for tomorrow.'' Asked Smokey in the shop with a smirk.

''Sure thing.'' Ryan said as he hung up.

Alex and Wolf went over. ''Got to get back to work?'' Asked Wolf.

''No actually Smokey wants us to go to the shop and check out the race car. You guys up for it?'' Asked Ryan.

''Of course.'' Wolf nodded as him and Alex got in his car and Ryan got in his and they took off to the shop.

Once they got there they went in and saw the mechanics and Smokey smiling proudly at the Subaru, that Ryan had found crashed and he smiles looking at it.

''Well, check out this beauty.'' Wolf said in awe at the race car.

Ryan nodded and grins as he went over to Smokey. ''It looks fantastic, and Smokey how did you get Monster to sponsor us?'' 

''Oh, that is one of my secrets that I am never going to give you Ryan, nice try.'' Smokey smirks.

''It's perfect! Can I give it a try on the track?'' Asked Ryan excited to try it out.

''I don't know. If you crash it, we won't have time to fix it.'' Smokey said looking at it.

''Come on Smokey you got me and Wolf out there with him. Let him give it a try, he's been practicing so hard.'' Alex answered wrapping his arm around Smokey.

''Alright only for an hour and I want that back and cleaned.'' Smokey said.

''You got it!'' Ryan said as he got into the race car and took off.

''I'm holding you two responsible if anything happens to Ryan or that car.'' Smokey said seriously.

''Don't worry nothing will happen.'' Wolf said as they got into the car and took off to the racetrack.

Ryan smiles and was flying down the track putting the pedal to the metal and smiles enjoying the feel of the wind and the roar of the car as it took off down the track. Wolf and Alex got back to the track as Ryan pulled over.

''Want to time me while I do about 3 laps?'' Asked Ryan.

''Sure.'' Wolf said.

Ryan started taking off as Wolf set the timer and off Ryan went. ''You think he has a shot at winning?'' Asked Alex as he sat on the ledge.

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