Chapter 3

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The next morning Ryan was at the repair shop waxing a 1958 Plymouth Fury. The same place his mom's car was getting repaired. He had a smile on his face enjoying waxing the beauty.

The other mechanic's were working on repairs and what not. After Ryan finished waxing all that was left was the bumper that Ryan started working on.

''Boy what I would give to take you for a drive beauty.'' He said to the car as he carefully cleaned it.

Suddenly the engine roared to life startling him. ''Ahh!'' He jumped back falling down backing away.

''Oh no it's Christine!'' He worried.

It turned off and he heard laughing and saw his boss a male jaguar poke his head out and laugh. Ryan held his paw to his chest and shook his head, trying not to laugh as his boss came over and helped him up.

''You ok Ryan?''

''Y-Yeah nearly scared me.'' He said chuckling.

''Yeah, I know your face was priceless.'' The jaguar said laughing as he helped Ryan up.

''Just checking to see how she's coming.'' His boss said.

''Great just have to finish the bumper is all.'' The tiger said.

''Good takes good care of her I want her to be happy. The owner should be back in an hour.'' The jaguar laughed walked away.

Ryan shook his head at his boss fun, crazy sense of humor as he finished the car. LaterRyan had just finished and went to get his paycheck and was surprised he got a big bonus and he was excited. Then the owner came in and Ryan was surprised to see his old high school crush Mandy a cream colored lioness come in.

''Hey Ryan!'' She smiled at him.

''Hey Mandy. Haven't seen you in awhile.'' He smiled as they hugged.

''I know you too, so how have you been?'' She asked.

''Pretty good, you?''

''Great, I just graduated from college, majoring in law.'' She said proudly.

''How exciting.'' He smiled.

''But I mostly came for my car.'' She said going over to the car he had just finished.

''That's yours?!'' He asked shocked.

''Yep, my dad got it for me as a graduation gift. But before I go how is your mom doing?'' She asked.

''Good so far.'' He smiled.

''It was nice running into ya Ryan good luck.'' She said as she had already paid and left.

Ryan was on his way out when his boss Smokey stopped him. ''Tell Mya her car will be ready tomorrow.'' 

''Will do.'' Ryan got out of his jumpsuit and got in his car, before he took off his phone rang and answered.


'Hey Ryan one of the nurses called in sick so I'm working the nightshift and won't be back until morning.'' She said.

'Ok gave a good evening mom.' He said.

'You too love you baby.'

'Love you too.'  He hung up.

Ryan sighed. He was hoping for his mom to be at home to make supper since he didn't know how to cook. He then was thinking 'what should I eat?'

He was on his way home when his phone went off and he put it on speaker.

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