Chapter 16

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After the week of being free Jimmy got up and got dressed and went to Porsha's room but saw she wasn't there. He was a bit sad that she wasn't in her room.

He went downstairs and saw his brother Liam waiting for him with a smile. 

''Morning Jimmy.'' He greeted.

''Morning, well let's go get this over with.'' Jimmy said as he looked around the place before leaving to go to his brothers car.

As they were driving it was quiet and Liam broke the silence.

''You know Jimmy I'm impressed by how you've been last week, there for Porsha, and making amends. It's nice to see.'' He said.

''Well, I have changed, I'm trying to.'' Jimmy said with a smile.

''When you get out we'll have to meet up more often.'' Liam said with a smile.

''Yeah, that sounds good. Just too bad I couldn't say bye to Porsha.'' Jimmy said as they got closer to the prison.

Porsha had just gotten out of the shower and went out to say goodbye to her dad but saw he wasn't in his room or anywhere and her eyes widened as she got the maid to drive her to the prison.

Liam and Jimmy got to the prison when another car pulled up and Porsha got out.

''Daddy! No you can't go back! Please I want you here.'' Porsha whined as she ran to her dad to hug him.

''I know sweetheart but I got to face my punishment.'' Jimmy said hugging her tightly.

''Don't worry Porsha since he behaved himself he will be out next year.'' Liam said resting a paw on his niece.

''Behave Porsha.'' Jimmy kisses her forehead hugging her. ''And come to visit me alright?''

''I will daddy.'' Porsha let go of her dad wiping her eyes.

Jimmy was led inside by the guards and Liam smiles at Porsha. ''Here I'll take you home.'' He said as they got in his car and took off.

Liam dropped Porsha off at home and looked at her. ''You want me to take you somewhere?'' He offered.

''No, this is fine and thanks for having my dad  here it was nice to see him.'' She smiles and hugs her uncle.

''Of course. He's has proven that he is slowly changing.'' Liam said hugging back as Porsha got out. ''Call if you need anything.'' He smiles and left.

Meanwhile Ryan ad just put his moms suitcase in the back of the trunk and saw her come out ready to go as she went to the driver side.

''Mom I can drive.'' Ryan said.

''Honey, this is my car and besides your driving it back so I get to drive it.'' Mya smiles kissing her sons cheek as they get in and she starts driving.

Mya was going to the airport as she was going on a month long trip to Africa to instruct african tribes how to heal their memebers without going to the hospital. It was quiet on the way.

''What happened between you and Jimmy last night?'' Asked Ryan.

Mya looked at him and smiles. ''If you must know nothing happened, we ate food, drank a bit, and talked was all.'' 

Ryan raised an eyebrow not totally believing his mom. ''Anything else?'' He tried.

''Ryan, I am an adult and you need to respect that. I don't have to tell you anything.'' She said shrugging as she drove.

''Did you guys make out or something?'' Asked Ryan feeling grossed out by that thought.

''No we didn't I just told you what we did.'' Mya replied getting a bit annoyed.

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