Chapter 11

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It was Friday afternoon and Ryan was sitting at the counter bar with his aunt Anita who was on her break at her favorite doughnut cafe, and she invited Ryan to join. 

''So, Ryan have you achieved anything that you wanted from last year?'' His aunt asked him as they ate a doughnut.

''Well, I have a girlfriend, so yeah, it's something from this year.'' He blushed.

His aunt who was also a cop smiled. ''So, tell me who this girl is? Will I see her tonight?'' She asked.

Ryan was drinking an Expreso and blushed. ''Porsha Crystal.'' 

Anita stopped eating and looked at him. ''Really? Wait as in Jimmy Crystal's daughter?!'' She was shocked.

''Yep, the very one.'' He said proudly.

She nodded and looked at him. ''How did you manage to get Mr. Crystal's permission? He doesn't seem like the type to let anybody date his daughter.'' She asked curiously.

 ''I met him at the prison we talked and gave me his blessing to date Porsha so me and her went on a date and yeah, we became a couple, also mom let Porsha stay the night on Christmas.'' Ryan said turning red.

''Aww, that's just like Mya.'' Anita smiled. ''Is she seeing anyone?''

''Nah, she's not interested in that, that's why she works.'' Ryan said.

''I get that, still she needs go get out once in a while.'' Anita said.

''True, but how is work going for you?'' Ryan asked eager to hear about his aunt's job.

''It's alright, had my paws tied for a while working on a case trying to track down the gang who murdered the bad criminals, I thought it was the mafia at first killing the bad guys but it wasn't, and apparently it was I think some skeleton lion with a jacket on and his head on fire a ghost rider I believe I tried to track him down but no luck, then out of nowhere all the non-mafia stuff stopped all together which was a surprise.'' She said drinking her coffee.

''Well, it's time for me to get back to work. So, are bringing Porsha to the New Year's Eve party tonight?'' Anita asked.

''Yeah, that is the plan. You going to be there?'' Ryan asked getting up.

''Yep, me, Lincoln and Roman.'' Anita said.

''Awesome and I can't wait for you to meet Porsha.'' He said.

''Same here, alright kiddo sees you later.'' She left same as Ryan did.

Ryan got in his car and went to work only to see a close sign and he slapped his forehead. It was New Year's Eve they were closed so he stopped at a gas station filling up with gas and making plans with Porsha.

Porsha was out shopping getting ready for the New Year's Eve party, she had talked to Ryan the night before and they decided to go together so she was picking out an outfit.

''Hmm, here we go this long sleeve shirt and pants will work.'' She giggles.

She got a notification on her phone and saw that the famous DJ Alex the Lion would be at the party, and she was excited and couldn't wait to meet them.

Later after working Ryan went home and took a shower getting ready to go see Porsha and hang at her place for a bit. He hadn't heard anything from his mom but remembered she had worked overnight, and her work was having a party as well.

He called Porsha who answered her phone. ''Hey, I'm on my way over to hang is that ok?'' He asked.

''Hey Ryan! Of course, come on over no need to ask.'' She said finishing up her nails.

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