Chapter 6

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The next morning Ryan woke up and felt a bit down, he got up and got dressed and went downstairs to see him mom grabbing her purse. 

''Hey, honey I'm off to work.'' Mya said and stopped.

''You ok Ryan?'' She asked.

''Yeah, I am mom don't worry.'' He hugged her and she hugged back as she left.

Ryan got himself some toast and juice and looked at the picture of him and his dad, he missed him and decided to go visit him. He went and grabbed a few things placing them in his duffel bag.

The tiger pulled out his phone and looked for a bus and went to the bus stop waiting since his car was low on fuel. He saw a couple making out he smiles thinking of Porsha, then the bus pulls up and he got on sitting on the inside seat.

About 20 minutes later the bus arrived and Ryan got off and went to the cemetery and went to his dad Gregory's grave and he got on his knees pulled out a candle and matches and lit the candle placing it on his dad's grave.

''Hey dad, long time. I know I should of came sooner but busy with some things, but I was thinking about you this morning and well I wanted to come sees you and say I miss you.'' He touched the grave.

He sighed wiping a tear when he felt the deceased presences of someone, and he had a feeling it was his dad.

''Dad? Is that you?'' Asked Ryan.

Little did he know a mysterious person was watching him from the shadows. Ryan heard footsteps and turned to see a female tigress policewoman coming over and he stood up as she came over to him.

''Hello Ryan.'' She said.

''Hi aunt Anita.'' He said as they hugged.

''Woah, look at you, all grown up you look just like your father.'' She smiled.

Anita was the sister of Gregory Ryan's dad, and he was a SWAT Officer, and she was a sheriff very powerful and busy.

''Thanks, so how's Uncle Lincoln doing?'' Asked Ryan.

He's good, being kept busy as a National Force Commander.'' She said smiling.

''He still has the job huh?'' Ryan smiled at the thought of his uncle who was a lion who always use to tell Ryan stories when he was younger.

''Yes, he enjoys it, though he is trying to push Roman to do the same.'' She smiled.

''Great! What is he up to?'' Ryan was curious about his cousin.

''Not much he works at a law firm as a security guard.'' She said.

''Sounds like things are looking up for you guys. And how is your job going?'' Ryan asked his hands in his pockets.

''It's good so far, despite we can't catch a break in the Mafia that is terrorizing Red Shore for years and the intervention of the military would be a great lose so Lincoln's busy with that.'' She said running her paw over her head.

Ryan nodded. ''If dad were here, he would have been able to crack the Mafia case in no time if not for his accident, he was the best there was and taken too soon.''

Anita sighed and knew it was time to come clean to Ryan about his dad. ''What makes you think he wasn't working on the case?'' She asked.

Ryan looked up surprised and frowned. ''But he told me and mom everything, we would have known about it.''

''Ryan, there is a strong possibility that your dad's death wasn't an accident we believe he was killed by the mafia boss.'' She said taking off her hat looking down.

Ryan was shocked and couldn't believe it. ''Please take me to the accident sight.''

Anita nodded. ''Alright follow me.'' 

They went to her private Ford Mustang police car. ''Dang sweet ride!'' Ryan praised as he got in.

''Thanks, the ford was a gift from your uncle for our anniversary and they allowed me to turn it into my own police car.'' She bragged as they took off.

The figure watched them leave and got in Its car and went somewhere else.

A hour later they came to the site of the accident a winding road surrounded by forest. Ryan got out looking around it would be beautiful for exploring if not for what happened here.

''I found out the murderer's car was a 1970 Dodge Charger from the tire tracks and the gun was a Desert Eagle found from the bullet, but I couldn't find who they belonged to, we searched everywhere but no luck.'' She said leaning against her car.

''Here are the details of the accident.'' She showed him the papers and pictures. ''But I suspect it's the main leader of the of the mafia Owen Wheeler. He's a snow leopard who I believe killed your dad in revenge for him killing his brother Jacob who was the vice president in the mafia during the bank robbery.'' She said looking at him.

Ryan imagined... 

Gregory was driving his red Buick as he was looking at his GPS. and was in a hurry. 

A black dodge was heading straight from him. ''What the?!''


Gregory had hit the dashboard hard, and he shouted in pain as he was trying to open the door with his head bleeding and it was hard to breath, he leaned out the window as he saw a dark male panther shaped figure walks towards Gregory with a weapon smirking.

''Sleep tight.'' The male figure shot at the gas tank as the car exploded killing Gregory.

Ryan gasped as he opened his eyes looking at his aunt.

She went over and hugged Ryan. ''I'm sorry I thought you should know what really happened.'' Anita said smiling at him.

''Come on I'll take you home.'' Anita said.

Ryan got in the car as they took off to his home, it was a quiet ride when they got to his home, he looked at her.

''Thanks for the ride and for telling me about my dad.'' Ryan said grateful.

''You're welcome.'' She said.

''Oh, and I won't say anything to mom about how dad really died it would break her heart.'' Ryan said.

Anita smiled. ''See ya Ryan and tell your mom I said hi.'' She left.

Ryan went inside with a lot on his mind.

Meanwhile the mysterious figure who was a snowball panther wearing nothing, but pants went to the secret hideout and met with the Mafia leader Owen.

''Any news to report Dylan?'' Asked the Mafia boss.

''Yes, sir turns out Gregory the officer you killed he has a son who looks just like him.'' Dylan said nodding.

Owen was shocked by this and nodded. He had a plan for Ryan, and he couldn't wait to use it.

Here we go. I hope you enjoy.

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