Chapter 5

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A few days after Porsha and Ryan went to the carnival. The she wolf was eating breakfast and was bored but had an idea. She called Ryan as she was getting dressed and ready.

Ryan was at home on his computer when his phone went off and he smiled seeing Porsha's name. 'Hello.'

'Hey Ryan, got any plans today?'  She asked.

'No not really just relaxing here at home, got the day off of work.' He was leaning back in his chair.

'Cool! Since you're not doing anything and I'm like super bored over here would it be ok if we hang out? She asked putting on her shirt and working a bit on her makeup.

'Sure, you want me to come and get you?' He asked.

'Yes, please and we will go from there.' She said going down the stairs.

'Ok see Ya, shortly.' She hung up.

Ryan smiled as he went to get her. Porsha got in his car, and he looked at her. ''What should we do?''

''How about we go to an arcade?'' She suggested.

''Sounds good.'' He said as they came to a small area downtown and went into the small arcade.

They played a few games. After an hour they ordered fries and a drink and were talking.

''Grape soda is my favorite.'' She smiled.

''And apparently French toast.'' Ryan joked remembering when she called out for the breakfast during her first day of rehearsal.

She nudges him as they giggle when his phone went off.

'Hey mom.' Ryan said.

'Hey Ryan, you busy right now?' She asked.

'No jus at the arcades with a friend.' He said smiling at Porsha who was on her phone.

'I was wondering if you could bring me my purse I left in your car last night, the food here isn't that good.' She said.

'Sure, thing mom. Be there shortly.' He said.

'Thanks honey.' She hung up.

''Everything ok?'' Asked Porsha.

''Yeah, just have to take my mom purse to her which is in the backseat of my car, care to join?'' He asked.

''Sure.'' She smiled as they stood up and they went to his car as they got in and he took off to the hospital.

Once there Porsha nodded. ''Woah, I didn't know she worked at this one.'' 

''Yep.'' He smiled as they went in and saw the receptionist a female black panther sitting at the desk, she looked up and smiled at them. ''Hi Ryan.''

''Hi Laura. Say do you where my mom is?'' He asked.

''Yeah, she in the break room I believe.'' She said smiling and who is this?''

''Oh, this is Porsha Crystal a friend of mine. Porsha this is Laura, she and my mom started at the same time, and she use to baby sit me.'' He said.

''Woah cool! Oh, is that a heart listening thing?'' She asked looking at the stethoscope.

''A stethoscope yes.'' Laura said.

''Well, we will be going see ya later Laura.'' He said as they took off.

''Ok, I'll be back, ok?'' Ryan said.

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