[TANYESSA] Soon You'll be Safe

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Tanya was awake, but she was trying the fall asleep. The rattle of the bus windows and the streak of street lights rushing by kept her up. Well, that and her thoughts. 

Was she doing the right thing by running away? Her parents had raised her, provided for her, and kept her alive for sixteen years. But then, they had also been homophobic and suppressive and outwardly hostile to her. They had called her every name under the sun and compared her to others at any chance they got. It was still difficult for her to cut them off. They weren't horrible all the time. Sometimes her mother would make chocolate lava cake and everything would be okay for an afternoon. Sometimes they had fun milking the cows and feeding the pigs together. Sometimes she would help Tanya with sewing projects. But Tanya had to face that even horrible people are not horrible all of the time. She shouldn't have had to endure weeks of mistreatment for a day of peace. 

Mostly she was afraid for the future. She was a minor at sixteen years old, and legally, her parents had custody. Would they give her up freely once they realized she had left? Or would she have to return and face some consequences for her transgression? If they decided to care, the odds were that she would never see Rainbow High again. But here she was, riding through the night on a tour bus with her barely adult girlfriend, on her way to demand a stay with her aunt in another state. 

She didn't want to think about any of it. She tried to focus on the rumbling of the road. The soft breathing of her friends around her. the soft stuffed cow in her arms. She slipped into half-consciousness. 

Eventually the bus stopped. Tanya opened her eyes vaguely, not fully comprehending anything, but she saw a motel sign through the window. A few minutes passed before anything else happened. Vanessa came onto the bus and woke up Carmen and Lyric. The band members carried the luggage and instruments into the motel. Carmen grabbed Tanya's suitcase, and Lyric took her backpack. Vanessa returned and picked Tanya up bride-style. Tanya moved her arms to get a hold around Vanessa's neck. 

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" Vanessa asked gently. 

"Mmmmno," Tanya mumbled, "I couldn't fall asleep." 

Vanessa frowned and held her tighter. She carried Tanya to the motel room. Carmen and Lyric were already asleep on one of the beds and the couch. Vanessa set Tanya down on the other bed, the one that didn't have Carmen sprawled across it. For a second, her arms framed Tanya against the pillows, and she lingered there before kissing her forehead and backing off. She asked Tanya if she wanted to bother with pajamas. She gave a noncommittal noise as a response. Vanessa being there calmed her mind and she was no longer on the moving bus. She quickly drifted off. 


Tanya woke up with a jolt. Her teeth felt disgusting because she hadn't brushed them the night before, and her hair was a tangled mess because she hadn't braided it, her outfit was unfathomably wrinkled, but most of all she hadn't considered where Vanessa had slept that night. She looked around. There she was, on a pile of pillows and blankets on the nasty motel floor. Tanya was mortified. She fretted over what to do for a bit, but finally decided to leave her alone and let her sleep. She got up and took care of her hygiene first. Then she started making coffee. It was barely 5 am. Finally, she sat on the bed and read a book. 

After about an hour, Vanessa sat up and rubbed her eyes. Tanya put her book down. She smiled at Vanessa.

"Good morning, beautiful." 

Vanessa returned the smile and even blushed lightly. "How are you doing?" she asked.

Tanya helped her up and made her a cup of coffee while she told Vanessa that she was fine, but mortified that Vanessa had slept on the floor. After her drink, Vanessa took a shower. Tanya had a sneaking suspicion that she had misinterpreted her concern about the floor. Somehow through all of this, Carmen and Lyric were still out cold. 

"What time do we have to wake them up?" Tanya asked. The band was on tour and had a schedule to keep. 

"We can give them a few more minutes," Vanessa said. "But after that, it's back on the road. We're stopping at your aunt's place first."

"Right, my aunt... Vanessa, do you think they'll let me stay with them?"

"Why wouldn't they!? It'll be fine. Soon you'll be safe."

"But," Tanya frowned, "What if they turn me back over to my parents?"

"Then we'll just have to kidnap you again, won't we."

"Vanessa!" Tanya playfully pushed her, but then got serious. "They could call the cops on you. I don't want you to get in trouble. They can't even find out that you helped me leave." She looked down, trying not to let tears fall. 

Vanessa, realizing the tone shift, put a hand on Tanya's upper arm. "It's fine, It's fine, that's not going to happen. Your aunt will take you in. And I'll be here for you no matter what."

Tanya's eyes were still watery, but she smiled gratefully. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She sighed. The two shared a kiss.

Then they splashed water on Carmen and Lyric to wake them up. 


to be continued :)

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