[BERRY GFS] Halloween Plans

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Pariya had the perfect plan for Halloween. She was thinking of visiting a high-quality haunted house, then going home to bake sugar cookies and watch classic Halloween movies. Only one more thing was needed to make it the best Halloween ever.

"Any plans for Halloween?"

"Yeah! I was gonna trick-or-treat!!"

Pariya blinked. She had asked, but she had only meant it as a segue into her invitation. She hadn't expected Elena to actually have plans.

"Trick-or-treating? I mean-- we're in high school," she grinned awkwardly.

Elena frowned. "I don't think there's an age limit for having fun..." She looked up at Pariya. Pariya wondered if she was making those puppy-dog eyes on purpose, or if she was that adorable naturally. She immediately felt horrible for what she had said.

"No, Elena, I didn't mean it like that," she assured her girlfriend, "I was just... Repeating what people have said to me without thinking. I'm sorry."

"... Does that mean you don't want to come along? I thought we could get matching costumes and hold hands and, other stuff," she trailed off.

That sounded so tempting. And it was the only plan that had Elena, so Pariya figured that she could be flexible on the issue. But one thing nagged her. "You know I don't like when people recognize me in costume. It's embarrassing."

"But it's Halloween! It's normal for people to wear costumes. Even fandoms and cosplay are totally acceptable. You can dress as anything you want, that's what's so great about it!" The sparkles had come back into Elena's eyes.

She was right, of course, but Pariya still had her hang-ups.


That was, until they found the perfect costumes.

Elena was browsing the internet for matching costume sets while Pariya looked over her shoulder and judged them all. She didn't want anything that was a stupid joke, or anything generic, or anything too obviously nerdy. Odds were that her classmates would see them, after all. It wasn't that she was embarrassed to be matching with Elena, of course, she couldn't be more proud of her girlfriend. She was just still getting the hang of having fun while also upholding a good reputation. She did really want to find the perfect costumes. Suddenly, she spotted them. She frantically patted Elena's shoulder to get her attention, then pointed to a spot on the screen.

"There! Those ones!"

"Oh," Elena smiled, "Tinker bell and Vidia! I did always kind of think they were fruity."

"Can we get those ones? Please?" Pariya wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck in a casual, loose embrace.

"You do like Tinker bell, don't you," Elena looked at her warmly, "I'm fine with that! Do you want to be Tink, then?"

"No, Tinker bell is spunky and energetic and kind and creative and adventurous and cute, and she's my favorite, so you should be her," the words tumbled out quickly as she was very excited. "And I'll be Vidia because--"

"Because you're so cool and talented and gorgeous, and also the best in general," Elena finished the sentence for her. "Then it's decided!" She planted a kiss on her blushing girlfriend's cheek and placed an order for the costumes.

"...Thank you..."


"What do you think?" Pariya opened the door to reveal herself in the Vidia costume.

Elena gasped. "It looks so good on you!"

"Thank you. And you're perfect as tinker bell," Pariya smiled, "fairy wings really suit you."

""Really? I was a little worried cuz it's not my usual style."

"And you think this is MY usual style?"

They giggled, then agreed that since it was Halloween, that didn't matter one bit. Elena took Pariya's hand and they walked together. They went to a neighborhood close to the school. Somehow Elena had convinced her roommates and their partners to come along too. Pariya didn't mind, she was close with the roommates and at least tolerated the others. It was fun, and the group chatted excitedly as they went from house to house, commenting on their decorations and the candy they were giving out. They had to stop Ebony from cursing a man who told the high schoolers to earn their candy by dancing. Although Robin readily accepted the man's demands, she only received a pitiful pack of candy corn for her efforts, and suggested to the others that they let Ebony do her thing.

As the night went on, it became quite cold. Pariya didn't mind it, but Elena's costume covered less, so she had brought a jacket for her and hand warmers that they could hold.

One of the houses had put up a mini-haunted house in their yard, which the couples enthusiastically went through. Only Penelope and Illiana used it as it had been intended, clinging to each other; Ebony and Robin laughed at the store-bought generic spooks, while Pariya and Elena judged the structure and overall design of the display. The house owners were impressed at their bravery and gave them plenty of candy. Soon after that, it was time to go back to Rainbow High (which had set a strict curfew for that night).

The girls dispersed to their separate dorms. Elena was saying goodnight to Pariya outside her door, and she thanked her for coming along.

"Of course, it was fun. I'm glad I went with your plan."

Elena blinked. "My plan? Did you have a plan?"

"Oh." That had slipped out. Pariya looked down. "Yeah, I was just going to watch a movie and bake cookies though, it's no big deal. Like I said. I'm glad I went with you."

Elena checked a clock on the wall. "It's still Halloween. We might not have time for a movie, but we can watch an episode of scooby-doo, and I have some sugar cookie dough from the store, I can go get it and we can bake them."

Pariya took a second to process the offer, then she smiled softly. "That sounds perfect." She leaned down and kissed Elena's nose, which was still red from being cold outside. "Hurry back, then."

Elena beamed and ran to her own dorm to get the cookie dough. She came back very quickly. It was the kind of dough that had a colored pumpkin pattern inside it. They only had to cut it into disks and put it in the oven. They watched on old episode of Scooby-Doo (Pariya saw who the culprit was from a mile away) cuddled together on the couch. Elena rested her head on Pariya's shoulder, and she laid her cheek on the top of her head in return. When the cookies were done, Pariya insisted they couldn't eat them on the couch, so they continued watching from the kitchen as they ate warm cookies off the baking sheet.

So the haunted house wasn't professional, they were watching a goofy old cartoon rather than a classic film, and the cookies were fast and easy. The night was still much better than Pariya could have planned for. 

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