[SORRANA] Is She Just Being Friendly or Was That Flirting

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Sorrel stared at the pile of clothes on her bed, a focused expression on her face, trying to decide what to wear. Sure, she was only going to hang out with Diana, just like they always did, but... Well, things were weird around Diana right now. It had all started a week ago, when the soccer team won a skirmish against Shadow High. Diana always watched Sorrel's soccer games, so of course she went onto the field to congratulate her on the win. And Sorrel was really excited, so of course she would hug Diana around the waist and twirl her around. She was very twirlable, her long deep blue hair would swing out gracefully, and she would get an adorable smile on her face, and sometimes if you were lucky she would laugh– If the rest of the team understood that, they would get that it was only natural to pick her up, they probably wouldn't be able to resist themselves! But they didn't get it, so they had assumed Sorrel and Diana were together. They teased her, acting like they were embarrassed to have seen the twirl, they even said they would look away if Sorrel and Diana wanted to kiss... That was too far, things were awkward now.

Sorrel had defended the fact that they were just friends, taking her hands off of Diana as quickly as possible, and she noticed Diana looked pretty uncomfortable.

She wished she'd never picked her up.

That wasn't all. The night after that, Sorrel had a dream. In the dream, she was a fairy flying over the ocean, until a splash got her wings wet and she fell into the water! She struggled against the current, water enveloped her and she couldn't breathe. It was icy cold, quickly sapping the strength from her limbs, terror rushed through her as each new rolling wave pushed her deeper. She almost drowned. But a beautiful mermaid– Diana– saved her just in the nick of time. She had wrapped her arms around Sorrel and used her tail to propel them first above the surface, allowing Sorrel to gasp for air, and then towards the land. The watery surroundings suddenly changed. Instead of a harsh and cold, stifling thing, the ocean now was refreshingly cool, and it made her feel like she was floating as Diana carried her. Sorrel was laid out on the sand, her wings stretched out to catch the sun. Diana, propping her top half up next to Sorrel, asked if she was alright. Sorrel said she was and thanked her. Diana smiled serenely, kissed Sorrel's forehead, and said "I'm glad."

Sorrel, blushing, offered to take Diana flying once her wings dried out, but Diana declined the offer, saying that the air would surely be freezing and suffocating, and the wind might sweep her away.

It was such a strange dream, and once Sorrel had woken up she felt deeply ashamed of having it. She knew that she wasn't in control of what she dreamed, but really, a fantasy about her and Diana? It felt wrong, especially when she had seen Diana look so uncomfortable the day before.

So now, being around her was a little awkward. Sorrel wanted to present her best self to her, so she wouldn't be scared away. That's why she was worrying about what to wear to hang out with her friend.

She held up a cute, flowy dress and checked how it might look in her full-length mirror. It was a sheer light blue material with several layers which had a ruffled skirt, but she worried that the skirt was too short and would show her muscular legs. She liked her legs. She just wasn't sure if muscles like that were to Diana's taste, after all, they weren't very feminine, were they? She tried a medium-length skirt and crochet top, but they didn't quite go together. Some sweatpants and an off-the-shoulder shirt, too slobbish. Leopard print... Why did she even have that?

So next she tried some pants, black jeans with a stitching-type pattern along them in yellow and magenta, paired with a large cyan hoodie that had floppy bunny ears stitched on. She liked it, it was casual and covered a lot of her, but still cute thanks to the hoodie's ears. She sighed and walked to Diana's dorm.

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