[REDSTONE] First Date

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Ever since they had been made to hold hands on a dare, Jules couldn't get Maxx off of his mind. His hands were really soft and, looking closely, he was pretty cute... But his personality was certainly a problem. It seemed like he just had to pick a fight whenever possible, and he had gotten it into his head that he and Jules were enemies of some sort. Dealing with him was such a hassle. He was constantly bragging about how great he thought he was, trying to show other people up, pulling pranks, starting useless competitions. Though it would have been a lie to say that it wasn't interesting. And maybe a little fun. Jules had caught himself looking forward to whatever Maxx had in store next a few times. But, still... They had a very rocky acquaintanceship. It wasn't like they were even friends. How does one approach their enemy and tell them that they want to start holding hands more often? It was ridiculous. They just weren't compatible that way.

Jules flinched when Maxx grabbed him by the shoulder in the hallway. He turned quickly to face the red-haired menace, shrugging his hand off. "What do you want?" he sighed.

Maxx looked at him with raised eyebrows and a shit-eating grin. Jules could tell he was making his voice deeper when he spoke. "I've got a gig DJing for a party tonight. You should come. See how cool my scene is, admire my sick spinning skillz."

Jules glared at him, wondering what he was getting at... Oh, it was another opportunity for him to brag and show off. Jules wasn't in the mood. He rolled his eyes. "That scene is probably, uh, a little too 'cool' for me. No need to show it off."

"No, it's chill, anyone can come. You should. It's in an abandoned warehouse, but they're gonna have lights and huge speakers, and it's late at night so it's not like it'll interfere with anything. What, never been to a rave before? Too chicken to try something new?"

He knew exactly how to get under his skin. His words seriously irked Jules. He was silent for a second. "Late at night, in a secluded area? Yeah, right... If nobody keeps an eye on you there, you'll be on the news tomorrow, guaranteed."

"Because I rocked the house down, maybe."

"Because you either committed a crime or were the victim of a crime." He finally grumbled, "okay... Okay, fine. I'll go with you. But only to make sure you don't get into any trouble."

Maxx's grin became even more smug, if possible. "Prepare to be totally impressed, then. Be ready to go by eleven. I'll pick you up and take you to the rave."

"Uh, yeah, I would think so. 'Abandoned warehouse' isn't exactly an address. Unreliable as always," he grumbled under his breath, slightly embarrassed and confused by how Maxx was acting. Maxx winked as he waved goodbye and walked off to his own class. Jules was so stunned he just stared at Maxx as he left.


It was 11 pm, and Jules had been ready to go for a while. At first he had thought that he would do the sensible thing and sleep a little before he had to be picked up, but whenever he had laid down and tried to sleep, his mind wandered to Maxx and what he could be up to this time. So he was tired, on edge, and a bit irritated since Maxx seemed to be late picking him up. He felt like such a loser waiting there on the dorm couch like he had nothing better to do. He scowled, his leg bouncing impatiently.

Finally, a kick at the door. Jules waited a few seconds so it wouldn't look like he was desperate or anything, then opened the dorm door.

"Don't you know how to knock politely?" He leaned against the door frame and looked down at Maxx, the light from the dorm spilling around his frame and casting a strange shadow across Maxx's face. It was hard to make out his expression.

"Nope, I don't. Don't you know how to dress for a rave?" He shot back.

"No, I don't. You're gonna have to live with the normal jeans and jacket."

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