[LOVEBIRDS] "Practically Nocturnal"

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"Oh! I almost forgot!" Robin turned around, pranced back to Ebony, and planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Goodnight, Bunny," she grinned, "don't stay up too late!"

Ebony hummed happily. She responded "I promise to go to sleep before eight."

"Eight? It's already ten— EBONY!" Robin put her hands on her hips. "Eight in the morning? No! By three, at the MOST."

"It's okay, I'm practically nocturnal. Like a bat."

"You are not a bat! You're a person!" Robin looked sternly at Ebony, who scoffed playfully, obviously not taking this seriously.

"Think about it. If my sleep schedule keeps getting worse, then eventually it will flip back around to being good."

Robin thought for a minute, and then sat down next to Ebony. "Then I'll stay up too."

"What? But you're tired, you were just about to go to sleep."

"I'll go to sleep when you do." Robin yawned, making no attempt to stifle it.

"...You're holding yourself hostage." All the lightheartedness was gone from Ebony's voice.

"Oh, come on. It's not like you have anything you have to stay up to do. You're always up to date on your work or even ahead."

Ebony folded her arms and pouted. (she'd never pouted in her life before Robin.) She was right, of course, she had only been planning on watching a movie and wandering around the hallways looking for supernatural things. Those things were so much better at night. And she totally wasn't tired. Nonetheless, she could sense Robin staring at her. Finally, she cracked. "Fine! You can stay here. But I guarantee you're going to fall asleep before I do, and then you won't have any say in how I spend my night."

"I'll take that deal. We'll see how it plays out."

So the two sat next to each other on the couch in silence for several minutes. Ebony started the movie she wanted to watch on her laptop, setting it next to her so she could see. It was an old horror, one that her mother starred in. It was nostalgic for her. She became engrossed in the film and allowed herself to lounge instead of sitting up straight.

She felt something on her stomach and looked down. Robin had positioned herself sideways, laying on the couch, and her head was resting on Ebony. She froze and a thousand thoughts flashed through her mind at once. Was that comfortable? Was she even allowed to move in this circumstance? Oh gosh, her hair was so pretty and silky-- forget that, she was on Ebony's stomach! It was flabby and embarrassing and a weird shape, she was in her pajamas of course she wouldn't wear a corset-- but wasn't that good, wouldn't a corset be really stiff? Was that her job now? To be a pillow? But then wouldn't an actual pillow be better?

Robin' eyes were closed and she had a serene smile on her face. She mumbled sleepily and so quietly that Ebony barely caught it, "so soft and warm."

Those words had never been used to describe her before. She blushed. Ebony accepted her fate and relaxed a little. She gazed at Robin for a moment. Then she quietly texted Penelope to please bring a blanket to the couch and don't ask questions.

When Penelope emerged from her room with the blanket, she could hardly suppress her giggles at the scene, and Ebony glared at her sullenly.

"I'm stuck," she said pitifully.

"Mhm. You don't seem to mind too much," Penelope whispered, a playful note on her voice, and she put the blanket over Robin. On her way back to her room, she turned off the living room light, leaving Ebony with only the light from her laptop screen.

Robin was almost definitely asleep by now. She thought about getting up. Instead, she began to gently run her fingers through Robin's hair. She pressed play on her movie again, keeping the volume down.

She fell asleep before the movie ended. 

(Penelope by minkdollclothes)

Misc RH OC ScrapsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora