[LOVEBIRDS] Love Handles

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Robin and Ebony were walking together to their performance class, just like they had many times before. Ebony was explaining how a hand of glory worked. Every word went right over Robin's head, but that was alright. She just loved seeing Ebony talk about her occult interests. She was usually hesitant to talk. 

Ebony's long cloak got under her feet and suddenly she was falling backward. No problem! Robin had good reflexes and was surprisingly strong thanks to her dance training. She easily caught Ebony by the waist before she hit the ground. Robin was about to say something cheesy like "falling for me?," but she didn't get the chance because Ebony wriggled out of her grip and hit the ground anyway. 

"Oof," the wind was knocked out of her. 

Robin stared at her. "What was that..? I thought I caught you."

Ebony glared at her, face completely red, and refused to answer. Once she picked herself up, they kept walking to class, but the conversation was clearly over. Was Ebony actually pouting? That's kind of cute, Robin thought, but I can't imagine what I did wrong... A mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Aw, Bunny," Robin said, using her favorite pet name for her girlfriend, "you're embarrassed~ that I could hold you up so easily, right? Heheh, don't worry, I can totally handle you." 

Ebony just walked faster. Once they got to class, they had to separate, as they were cast in different scenes. Robin stayed in the wings with her friends while Ebony went on stage and the rehearsal began. 

"Has she always had that red undertone?" Cerise, the lead of the makeup crew, sighed. "I'll have to counteract that. Stage lights can be so cruel." 

"Don't even worry about it," Robin smirked, "She's just flustered."

Marlow looked disgusted. "Robin, whatever you did, we DON'T want to hear about it."

"So here's what I did. We were walking and Ebony tripped. And I totally caught her. Snatched her from probably certain death, arms around her waist, she's light as a feather of course, but just look at the state of her now. Poor girl. She's obviously so head over heels for me such a simple gesture has her--"


Ebony's tone was a warning. The stage lights backlit her so her face was in shadow, but her wide eyes were clear, flaring with anger. She held everyone's attention.

"Do not speak on things you have no knowledge of." 

Marlow elbowed Robin. "That means, 'shut up'," she said under her breath. 

"I know what it means," she whispered back. Addressing Ebony, she said "You're really upset, huh?"

"Really." With that, Ebony ignored Robin and retrieved one of the set focusses; apparently she'd been sent backstage because one of the set pieces had malfunctioned and they needed someone to look at it. Robin felt awful. It seemed she'd gotten the story wrong and offended Ebony by repeating it. And now she had even less of an idea why she had been upset in the first place. Why she would prefer to fall to the ground than be caught by Robin. The small girl was unusually quiet that class as she fretted over what could possibly be the cause. 

Once class was dismissed, the students went to lunch. Usually they sat together. But today Ebony rushed to sit by her roommates, Penelope and Elena. 

"Penelope," Ebony whined as she rested her head on the tall girl's arm, "give me advice?"

She smiled and said, "sure! What do you need help with?"

Ebony explained what had happened so far. Penelope nodded along and made small comments here and there. When the story was done, she asked "Well-- Why did you choose to fall anyway?" 

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