[LOVEBIRDS] I Find Her so Intensely Lovable

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[Sorry if there are spelling mistakes. My spellcheck is not? working??? Also let it be known that I do not condone using love potions.]

Ebony stood just outside the studio door, nervously gripping a cup in her hands. Any moment now, the dance students would get out of class and they would be tired and thirsty, and that is when Ebony would give this cup to Robin. It was full of love potion. 

Standing there, nervous, she was reminded of when she had tried to confess to Venus the previous year. But she wouldn't let this be a repeat of that situation. She was making sure that Robin returned her feelings before she confessed them. If all went well, she would be hers in a few minutes. Although, Ebony had chosen a potion on the weaker side— she didn't want to hurt Robin. The potion wouldn't work if she didn't like girls, if she already liked someone, or if she had some major objection to Ebony. Ebony was pretty sure that none of that applied. Or rather, she hoped that none of it applied. And if it did, then, well, she wouldn't want to be with Robin in those cases anyway. Regardless. This moment would decide if they would stay friends or become something more. 

A small crowd of dance students, sweaty and exhausted, burst through the doors. It would have been easy to miss Ebony in all the commotion, shrouded in her cloak and standing in the shadows as she was, but Robin was soon standing in front of her.

"Ebony! What are you doing here?" Robin smiled. Her cheeks were rosy, probably from the exercise. 

Ebony was so nervous she could only whisper. "I made this. I thought you'd be thirsty after your class..." she held out the potion, her hands shaking slightly. Robin's hands brushed against hers as she accepted the gift. She tried not to think about it too much. Tried not to get her hopes up.

"Aw, that's so sweet! What is this? Some kind of juice? Weird color." Robin didn't actually wait for an answer. She chugged it all at once. 

Ebony watched her breathlessly. It was as if the world was going in slow motion. Robin lowered the cup and looked into Ebony's eyes. Ebony waited for anything to happen. But there was no change. Ronin's expression remained the same. As her hopes faded, the world went at normal speed again. 

"Thanks," Robin said, handing back the cup, "it tasted great. You said you made that yourself? Nice!"

"Wait, you don't— you don't feel anything different?" 

"Huh? Oh, I feel much less tired now, amazing~"

The potion hadn't worked. Robin didn't like girls, or she already liked someone, or she secretly hated Ebony. She really hoped it wasn't that last one. Still, no matter which it was, it hurt. It hurt a lot. 

"Ebony..? Is something wrong?" 

She jolted back to reality. "No! I'm glad you liked it. You're welcome."

Robin gave a satisfied smile at the reply, and then took Ebony's hand and started walking as she talked about how her class had gone. Usually Ebony liked it when Robin held her hand. But this time it was painful, because she knew it was only platonic. She tried to push those feelings aside. After all, she had known that the potion not working was a possibility, she had made it that way herself. But feelings don't go away just because you tell them to. She only half-heartedly kept up the conversation with Robin. 

"Apparently there aren't enough dance classes to fill my entire schedule, so I was gonna take a general performance class next semester. You should too! Wouldn't it be so fun to have a class together?" 


"Oh, I know! Doesn't beginner theatre have positions for set and prop people? Maybe they have some for effects people? You're part of the set design umbrella right?" 

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