[PHOTOSHOOT] Thunderstorm

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(author's note. its literally 5 am. idk if anything is spelled right or if any of it makes coherent sense. wnjoy)

He didn't have any particular reason that he went to Aiden's dorm that day. He was his boyfriend, so he could just visit sometimes. 

The forecast had nothing to do with it. 

When Aiden opened the door, he looked surprised at first, but quickly smiled. "Dorian! You missed me? I suppose it HAS been a few hours since we last saw each other."

"Yep, that's it," Dorian replied sarcastically, edging past Aiden and into the room. "What are your roomates currently doing?"

"One's in the library, the other's in their room, probably ruining their hearing with their earbuds." Aiden rolled his eyes. Good. Then he didn't have to find some other place to be. He took a seat on a barstool at the kitchenette counter and pulled out his phone to scroll aimlessly on. 

Aiden put his hands on his hips. "Did you just come here to be on your phone?" When he didn't get a reply, he huffed "fine" and ignored Dorian, sitting on the couch and continuing the homework he'd been working on before Dorian showed up. The boys stayed like that for a quarter of an hour, simply coexisting, the only consistent sound being the scratch of pencil on paper. 

The quiet was finally split by a distant rumble of thunder. Aiden looked up from his paper. "Huh, sounds like a storm is coming in." 

"Brilliant deduction, Sherlock. Finished with your homework yet?" 

"As done as I'll ever be." He scowled. "I hate english class."

"I can proofread it for you." Dorian moved over to the couch with Aiden and took the paper from him. Aiden blinked. "Oh. How sweet? Thanks, babe," he said it as if he couldn't believe it. 

While Dorian read the assignment, another roll of thunder sounded. He tensed. It was getting closer. Rain pounded on the roof. He kept reading. Another thunderclap, this time so loud that he flinched. 

Aiden noticed. "Is my writing so bad it made you physically cringe, or did the thunder scare you?" 

Ignoring the second half of the question, Dorian replied "your writing is fine, you should get a solid B."

A look of concern crossed Aiden's face. He took the paper from his boyfriend and set it on the floor. It looked like he was about to say something else, but he was cut off by a deafening thunderclap, and suddenly the room was pitch black. The power had gone out. So instead of what he had been about to say, Aiden only said "crap."

Dorian couldn't see anything, and he was scared. The sounds of the storm were even more pronounced now that soft hum of electronics was silenced. He felt around a bit until he found Aiden's hand. He clasped onto it, trembling. After a second, Aiden's other arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him forward, until Dorian found himself leaning completely on Aiden, his head on his chest. He could hear his heartbeat. It was a welcome change from listening to the rain and wind. It was calming, steady and slow. But it didn't block out the continued thunder. Each time it sounded, Dorian held tighter to Aiden. 

Aiden began to hum. He couldn't carry a tune to save his life, but it was a new noise, and Dorian was able to feel the vibrations from it. He focused on that so when the next thunderclap played, he didn't react. His own eratic heartbeat started to calm down. His breathing became level. 

"Is that... The Pokemon theme song, slowed down?"

"Shhh," Aiden patted his back, "it was the first thing I could think of." He continued his humming. Now that he recognized the song, Dorian couldnt help but laugh a little. No matter how mature his boyfriend acted, in the end he was still rather childish. Once he finished the pokemon theme, he moved on to Phineas and Ferb, then iCarly. He might have done more after that. Dorian didn't catch them as he drifted off to sleep. 


The first thing he was aware of when he woke up the next morning was that it was uncomfortably hot. Then that he was in an awkward position, and the lights were really bright. And Finally, that he was laying on Aiden. He jolted away. Aiden was asleep-- his chest rose and fell steadily, and his face was relaxed. Dorian was mortified. First of all, he'd acted so pathetic during the thunderstorm, thunder really wasn't a logical thing to be afraid off when he was indoors, he'd shown a weakness, and Aiden had been forced to comfort him, and he had trapped Aiden there all night by falling asleep. Really this was so embarrassing. And surely he had broken some kind of rule by not being in his own dorm. 

"Uh, hey," a voice called from the kitchenette, and Dorian turned to see that one of Aiden's roomates was talking to him-- "Can you wake Aiden up and ask him how many peices of bacon he wants? I'm frying some. Oh, uh, of course you can have some too." 

Dorian sincerely wished he could turn back time to yesterday and stop himself from ever coming to this dorm. 

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