[PHOTOSHOOT] Photographs Don't Lie

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Aiden's phone rang, but he didn't recognize the number that was calling. He eyed it suspiciously, then decided that he should answer it just in case. If it was a scam he could always just hang up.


"Hello. Is this Aiden Ochre?" He recognized the voice over the phone, although it was slightly tinny. It was Dorian Hayes, a photography and journalism double focus in the third year. They'd had a few run ins before. They always got into arguments when they were forced to work together. He grinned. What could Dorian have to call him for? And how could he use it against him in the future? 

"The very one! Dorian, right? What do you need?"

"There's a photography contest coming up that I plan to enter. I was hoping that, granted you have the availability in your schedule, you could model for it." 

"I don't knowwww," Aiden's voice was light and airy, teasing, "I'm a very busy guy." Silently, he looked over his calendar, which had plenty of free space. "Clearing my schedule for this would be a huge favor."

Dorian, sounding agitated but keeping his wording professional, suggested a time the next day that they could shoot it, and Aiden rejected it just because he could. Dorian suggested a few more times, and Aiden responded negatively to all of them, until Dorian finally asked what would work for him— Aiden said that the first time Dorian had suggested would work just fine. Muffled yelling came from the other end of the line. But at least they had it scheduled now. Dorian hung up as soon as it wasn't impolite to do so. 

Really, Aiden thought to himself, I'm so helpful. I can't imagine why Dorian doesn't like me. 

[...The next day...]

Aiden walked alongside Dorian, following wherever he was going. He hadn't asked too many questions before, but now he was bursting with them. Plus, he knew asking questions was a great way to annoy people, and that was fun. Messing with Dorian was especially fun. 

"Where are we going?" he asked. 

"Outside. I thought a natural look would be best for the theme."

"Natural? Oh, that's why you told me not to wear makeup. You're lucky I'm just as pretty without it. I thought maybe you were just too cheap to get a makeup artist. Anyway!" he changed the subject so fast that Dorian didn't get a chance to react to the implied insult, "What's the theme? Why would being natural fit it?"

Dorian pulled a flyer for the contest out of his jacket pocket. He unfolded it and handed it to Aiden to look at, the way one would hand a child a coloring page to keep them quiet at a restaurant. Aiden read it.

Submit a photograph that gives your answer to this question: Can photographs lie? 

"Well, the answer seems pretty obvious to me," Aiden said.

"Yes, it's obvious. Ludicrous theme for a photography contest," Dorian agreed. 

Then, at the same time, Aiden said "Of course they can lie!" while Dorian said "it's impossible for a photograph to lie." The two glared at each other. 

"A photograph is literally an exact captured image. Anything shown there was really there. How could it be possible for them to lie?" 

"They don't show the whole story. Hiding certain truths is the same as lying," Aiden insisted. 

"No, that's a person assuming. It's not the fault of the photo if somebody misinterprets it." 

"Photos are just mediums. The same way a note can lie if the person writing it was lying."

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