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Gris was fitting their latest lineup of fashions to Aiden in preperation for their debut in a few days. Aiden was the model that usually worked with Gris. Spending a lot of time working together had allowed them to become friends, so while Gris was pinning down folds, they were chatting.

"What are you planning to wear to Prom?" Gris asked offhandedly, around the pins they were holding between their teeth. 

"Hmm," Aiden replied playfully, "Have you forgotten I'm a freshman? If only a tall, dark, and handsome junior would ask me to go with him..." 

"Gee. I bet you'd want him to have blue hair and eyes, and as a nice bonus, he'd be a photographer?"

"HowEVER did you know?"

Gris rolled their eyes. "So Dorian hasn't asked you yet, huh." 

"No—" Aiden started to gesture with his arm, but Gris grabbed it and made him keep it outstretched— "but he'd better ask me soon. I mean, I'm his boyfriend." 

"He's probably just waiting for the right moment." Gris wasn't very well acquainted with Dorian, mostly knowing him through second hand stories from Aiden, but he seemed like the serious type. "So hypothetically, if you were going, what would you want to wear to prom? Maybe I could make your outfit for you." 

"And give you another project to lose sleep over?"

Gris groaned. "My sleep schedule has gotten a lot better recently..."

"So what, you fall asleep at 3 AM instead of 4?" Aiden rolled his eyes. "Anyway. IF I were to go, I'd probably wear something big and glitzy and eye catching, you know my style. I'm talking sparkles, an exaggerated silhouette, preferably mermaid, a bold color—"


"Red! But it would have to be floor-length, because I am NOT wearing heels to a dance, no way no how."

"You'll ruin the bottom of your dress if you let it drag on the floor all night." 

Aiden blinked. He had been describing a dress, hadn't he. He took a deep breath. "Or, you know, I could go for a classic suit."

"You? Classic?"

"Okay. Maybe a suit covered in sequins, or a white suit."

"You do look good in white." Gris's voice was soft as they were barely paying attention to the conversation now. They were almost done with the fitting. Aiden decided to let them focus and stopped talking. 

[Later that week, Dorian's room]

Dorian was working at his desk while Aiden tried to study. None of the words he was reading stuck to his brain. But Dorian wouldn't let him do anything else while he was waiting for the photo edits to be done. He suspected that Dorian told him to come by earlier than needed just so he would be forced to study. 

Finally, Dorian pushed his chair back and stretched. Aiden looked up. "Finally done?"

"I will be once you approve the edits. Oh, and I also printed an advance copy of the Scene magazine with your interview in it, so you'll need to approve that too." 

Aiden got up thankfully and looked over Dorian's shoulder while he clicked through the finished images from one of their photoshoots. They were all fine. They usually were, but the teachers said the models had to agree to any edits, so that's what Aiden did. Once he was done with that, Dorian handed him the advance magazine, and he immediately flipped to the part where his interview was meant to be. 

But instead of a page of questions and answers, there was an image of him and Dorian— it looked candid and Aiden certainly didn't remember it being taken— with bow ties photoshopped on. The image was surrounded by a wide border that said:

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