[LOVEBIRDS] Nightmares (yes, again, get off my back)

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content: first-person descriptions of depression, sharing a bed /nx

"Robbie, are you okay?" Ebony cupped Robin's cheek in her hand, rubbing a thumb across the purple bags under her eyes. "Have you not been sleeping well?"

Robin frowned and shrugged away. "Eh, nothing horrible. I just get nightmares every time I close my eyes lately but anyway, did I tell you what the classical dance teacher said to me today?"

Ebony wasn't about to let the topic die. "Nightmares are something horrible. Oh dear. Would you like to talk about them?"

"No, I wouldn't. She said that I was too stiff! In classical dance, as if that's not half the point of classical!" Robin kept complaining about her dance instructor, but Ebony was barely listening. She was fuming, although a look at her stone face wouldn't betray that. Was it really so hard for Robin to just talk about her problems? Ebony wanted to be relied on, confided in, she wanted Robin to trust her with these things. But she never seemed to want to discuss anything remotely personal. Yet at the same time, Ebony felt like she was always dumping her trauma onto Robin, leaning on her when she needed support, explaining her actions by relating them to a story from her childhood. Maybe Robin thought that was annoying. Maybe she thought Ebony wasn't worthy of learning more about her. Just another way that she was probably failing at being a girlfriend. She remembered the last time she had been failing at her partner-ly duties. Robin had wanted her to be more assertive. Well, maybe she would be. "Then she lectures me over a single lace out of-"

"Robin," Ebony interrupted her, holding her by the shoulders, "let me come over to your dorm tonight! I'll protect you."

Robin blinked, surprised. "From what?"

"From your nightmares."

A laugh. "And how will you do that?"

"I don't know yet. I'll look through my spellbooks. There's got to be something I can do... Will you let me try?" She allowed her determinedness to show on her face.

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Alright. Who am I to deny when my gorgeous girlfriend wants to come over? Sleepover at my dorm, you're invited. Just show up early so we can make it a date."

Ebony smiled, kissed her girlfriend on the forehead, and released her. "Thank you! See you tonight!" she called over her shoulder as she rushed to her room, leaving robin to roll her eyes in the hallway.


Ebony did exactly as she said, she arrived around nine o'clock, well before the time she thought anyone would be expected to fall asleep. Yet she was told off for being late.

"Ebony, you made it! Finally! Sheesh, your cookies are mega-cold by now," Bebe said as they opened the dorm door to her knock.

"Cookies?" Ebony followed them into the dorm, confused. They led her to the kitchenette, where the other roommates, Robin and Charlotte, were. Robin hopped off her barstool and hugged a greeting to Ebony.

"Sure! I made them ages ago! I didn't know exactly what type you liked, but I figured chocolate is a pretty safe bet for anyone. I also didn't know when you would be here, so I made them at, like, seven." They took a plate out of the fridge that had some black cat-shaped cookies with chocolate chip eyes on it. Ebony stared at the plate, unsure of what to say.

"Yeahhh, Bebe gets a little ahead of themself, you don't have to-" Robin started to say, but Ebony thanked Bebe and took a bite, cracking a smile. "As I was saying, Bebe's a genius at baking so obviously I asked them to make something for you, thank you Beeb." Bebe just shook their head at Robin good-naturedly. Robin and Ebony retreated to her room.

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