[PHOTOSHOOT] Tell Me Why We Broke Up

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"Alright, I'm willing to take you back now."

"No thanks."

Aiden put his hands on his hips and stared disbelievingly at Dorian. "What do you mean no thanks?"

"I mean, I don't want to get back together with you."

"You're not even going to try anymore? You- you don't like me?"


"You don't like me anymore."

Dorian sighed and folded his arms. "Obviously I still hold affection for you. But I'm not enthused at the prospect of dating again and breaking up, again. You had an issue with me and instead of communicating..." he gestured vaguely to the surrounding area. "This happened. And if we date again without resolving that issue, what's to stop it from happening again, and again— I feel like I'm stuck in a time loop."

"I already decided that the issue wasn't a big deal. If you still like me and I still like you then there's no problem, right?"

"Tell me why we broke up."

"It's not a big deal."

"Then it should be easy to resolve."

Aiden nervously fixed his sweater, which had been falling off one of his shoulders. All his attitude from before was gone. "I just... you were really busy that week."

Dorian waited for him to continue talking, but he didn't, for a full minute. Finally he prompted, "and?"

"And when you finally invited me over, you just did your work the whole time and ignored me. Except once or twice when you found the time to kiss me," he said with sarcastic enthusiasm, "like I was only there to be a face you could put your lips on!"

Dorian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What!? I thought that date went well!"

"Date!" Aiden laughed, but there was no humor in the sound. "Yeah, that's what I would call it!"

"From my perspective, we were simply enjoying each other's company, and I was expressing my gratitude and affection through occasional kisses on your forehead and-or cheek."

"Well then I'm glad YOU enjoyed it."

Dorian ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "Consider my circumstances, I had homework and reports up to my neck, not many date options were available to me. What do you suggest would have been preferable?"

Aiden considered this for a moment. Then he glanced back at Dorian. "You don't need that information if we're not dating."

"FINE. We're back together. What did you want me to do?"

Aiden grinned, pleased with himself. "First of all, tell me how great I am. Always compliment me. Especially when something changes. You know, that day I wore a new lip gloss, and you didn't even notice? So do better on that. Which is not to say kisses aren't appreciated, just, you know, lower priority. Second, if you'll only have five minutes to pay attention to me, then only invite me over for five minutes. Waiting around was so not the vibe. Capeesh?"

"Should I be taking notes on this?" Dorian asked sarcastically.

"Yes." Aiden took out his phone and checked his calendar. "You should also take notes on what a good date looks like. You're free Saturday past six, right?"

Dorian looked up, thinking. "I should be."

"Perfect, perfect. The dress code will be dressy casual." He added a note to his calendar and then looped his arm around Dorian's. "You can walk me to my next class now."

"I can? You're as gracious as you are beautiful," Dorian remarked with feigned reverence.

Aiden blushed and smiled, apparently not picking up the insincerity. "See? You're already getting it." 

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