[COMPILATION] Trans People Being Cute

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LOVEBIRDS - the Girl in the Relationship

Robin's stomach twisted in knots as she waited outside Ebony's dorm. She leaned against the wall, looking down to check her outfit again. She thought it was pretty cute; she had tried to make it cute, anyway; white shorts with a frilly blue babydoll top, a knitted cardigan draped strategically just off her shoulders. She'd even put a ribbon in her hair. And asked Bebe to help with her makeup. And yet here she was, waiting for Ebony to finish getting ready so she could have that special reveal moment.

The door opened, dispelling Robin's thoughts. Ebony stepped out. She was always so gorgeous; her purple curls were pulled back into a loose french braid with tendrils framing her face, and she wore a draping black dress with a deep red lace-up corset and a leather jacket. It seemed to Robin that she was just effortlessly feminine. And yet she kept her eyes turned down. Robin set her hands gently around Ebony's waist and pulled her closer so their foreheads were touching and Ebony had to make eye contact with her.

"You look amazing," she whispered.

Ebony was stiff, but after a second she relaxed, blushing. "Thank you... You're very pretty. All the time, but especially today."

Robin smiled and released her girlfriend. "Got everything we need?"

Ebony checked her jacket pockets. "Mhm. I got us an Uber, it should be waiting outside."

"Good thinking. It was really awkward when we got Kia to drive us last time," Robin grimaced remembering the atmosphere. Kia had been way too eager to drive them, pressed them with all sorts of questions about their relationship on the ride, and Ebony had totally retreated. It had been difficult to get her out of her shell again even once Kia had dropped them off.

Their Uber driver proved to be the opposite, thankfully, and was silent the whole drive. The two girls sat in the back seat and chatted about the movie they were going to see. It was a drama, which they didn't usually go for, but Ebony's mother was starring in it, so she wanted to support the film anyway. Robin found herself leading the conversation, as usual, even though this was a date chosen by Ebony. Once they arrived at the movie theater, Robin did the talking and Ebony did the paying for them to get their tickets and their snacks. They settled into their seats. The theater wasn't very full so they had plenty of privacy as the lights were set low. Ebony sat stiffly and glanced sideways at Robin until she offered her hand for Ebony to hold, then leaned her head on Ebony's shoulder. Ebony snuggled up to her. The movie started.

Ebony's attention was caught up by the film, but Robin was thinking of something else, something that had been bothering her. She wondered how the date would go if she just... stopped. If she was quiet, and sat there and looked pretty. How much effort would Ebony put in? If their roles switched? And what "role" had she fallen into here, anyway? She began to feel ashamed. It was the masculine role, wasn't it. Initiating everything. Taking the lead. She sat up and took her hand back, and Ebony let her go. The rest of the movie was pretty awkward, Robin thought. When it ended, Ebony stood up and half-extended her hand before quickly putting it in her jacket pocket. "What did you think, my love?"

Robin slouched down in her chair. "I think we should talk."

She looked nervous, but simply replied, "okay. We can go to a café and talk there."

But once they got to the café, the film was not what they discussed. Sitting across from each other at a little round table with their drinks, Ebony reached over and gingerly set her hand atop Robin's, and carefully chose her words. "Are you dissatisfied with m- with anything, Robin?"

She didn't really know how to start without sounding accusatory. After all, Ebony hadn't really done anything wrong, and Robin liked her a lot; she didn't want to make this a huge deal. "Eby, you're really cute," she began, "you're pretty and feminine and shy and dainty."

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