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Angie's POV:

I followed Sergeant Velour into her office, stopping when seeing a familiar face making herself right at home at her desk.

"This is a nice place." Bosco smiled sweetly from where she sat, hands behind her head. "Feels nice to be here when I'm not in trouble."

Sergeant Velour just sighed, rubbing her head. "Please, Bosco. Just sit across from my desk like I asked."

Bosco groaned but did as she was told. She sat down in one of the other chairs, and I hesitantly sat beside her.

I had seen this girl around the station quite a bit. However I had never directly worked with anything involving her troublemaking. She was a known trespasser, and also one of those people who firmly believed she could speak to the dead. It was safe to say I wasn't too fond of her.

"Now what's this all about?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I have a case to get to."

"Officer Hunter agreed to take it over for you." Sergeant Velour explained, looking through her filing cabinet. "I need you for something more important."

Don't get me wrong, Alyssa was great at what she does, but I wasn't sure if she'd be as thorough as I knew I would be. But after remembering what Willow had said, I was sure I was being assigned to this reopened cold case. Which didn't surprise me, if there was anyone who could crack it, it was me.

But that didn't stop the uneasy feeling this case gave me. And also didn't explain why Bosco was here.

Sergeant Velour set the large binder filled with information down on her desk. I stood up to study it closer, shivering at just the name of the place and the picture of the mascots staring back at me.

Theme parks are supposed to be a fun place. World of Discovery was supposed to be fun and family friendly, that's how it was advertised. The commercials of the place showed kids laughing on the rides, playing in the butterfly and dragonfly gardens, and running rampant through the fantasy themed section of the park. I went once, when I was younger. I still had an uneasy feeling even then.

"Oh I know everything there is to know about that place." Bosco said proudly. "The first to go missing were-"

"Yes, we know." Sergeant Velour interrupted her. "Let me explain. We haven't looked into this case going on six years, but the theme park is just sitting and rotting. The city wants to tear it down and build something over that land, but doesn't want to do it until this case is solved."

"And that's where I come in?" I asked, opening up the binder to be met by pictures of the park. I glanced at one of the mascots, trying not to look into it's eyes for too long.

Sergeant Velour nodded. "Yes, exactly. And you." She turned to Bosco now. "You will be working alongside Detective Angeria here. Especially when you go out to investigate the park. We've gotten many reports from neighboring businesses and homes saying they've seen odd and unexplainable things going on around and in the park grounds."

Bosco's eyes went wide, and she beamed. "Wait, really?!" She asked excitedly. "I get to actually go in that place?"

Sergeant Velour looked like she regretted making this decision. She hesitantly nodded, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a pair of keys. She handed it over to me. "Those are the keys to the gate. I expect you to look over all our current information before heading out there."

"I can't believe this!" Bosco shouted excitedly before I could respond. "I've been dying to investigate this place! Oh my gosh I have so much equipment to get together-"

I tuned her out. I couldn't believe it either. I don't work with other people on these sorts of cases and everyone at the station knew that. I pocketed the keys, looking up at Sergeant Velour. "You're seriously not kidding about making me work with her? You know I work alone."

What Lurks Beneath (RPDR AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora