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Six months later

Angie's POV:

"You're absolutely insane if you think I'm going to the Conjuring house with you." I tried not to laugh as I looked up from my laptop. "The last time you took me ghost hunting, you made us sit in a jacuzzi and wait for spirits to talk to us. And the jets weren't even working."

"But it was more fun than the bed, wasn't it?" Bosco smiled from where she sat in my office, giving me a playful wink and petting Oreo, who was curled up on her lap. I groaned and shook my head, feeling a gentle squeeze on my arm.

"Don't worry Camden, she doesn't mean it that way." I comforted her, feeling her move her hand. "Bosco's just trying to frame me."

Bosco laughed, or witch cackled, I couldn't tell the difference. I went back to working on this case, reading out different things I needed Bosco to write down.

Things were going great. I hadn't been given any major cases lately, Camden was always wherever I was, even if she was out of sight unless it was just her and I, Jorgeous provided us with updates on Orion's condition and how her therapy was going, and Bosco was going through her training to become an official detective alongside me. She was a lot smarter than I had originally given her credit for. She was going to make a great assistant.

"I guess I shouldn't bring you there. Camden will get jealous if anything tried attaching to you." Bosco said as she wrote stuff down. The lights in my office started to flicker, and Camden appeared behind me with her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Of course I would." She pouted, her head resting on top of mine. "I'm her spooky scary ghost girlfriend. Not them."

I smiled, looking up at her. "That's right. My very spooky scary ghost girlfriend. So very threatening and terrifying and not at all a sweet angel with those little wings and halo of yours."

Camden smiled and giggled softly, disappearing again when there was a knock on my office door and it opened a little. Willow looked inside, giving us a small smile.

"Sergeant Velour said the finishing touch was just finished." She told us. "She wants you to come see it."

Bosco and I shared an excited look. I stood up from my desk, closing my laptop. "We'll be there soon." I told her. "Thank you for letting us know."

We packed up for the day and headed out of the station. Bosco texted Jasmine and Jorgeous to tell them to meet us there. Work on this project had been moving quickly, and knowing it was being completed was helping us all emotionally heal.

It had taken some convincing, but we had gotten the city to agree to turn the land the amusement park once inhabited into a memorial for the five lives lost. Sergeant Velour had been overseeing the work on it, insisting that Bosco and I stay away from it until it was completed. It had been hard to do that, but we had somehow managed.

It was strange pulling into the newly paved parking lot. There was no large rusting gate, no rollercoaster that stretched into the sky, no eerily empty ticket booths. Instead, the old ground had been swept away, replaced by fresh soil and growing green grass. We could see the colorful flowers from here as we stepped out of my car.

"Angie! You won't believe it!" Jorgeous's excited voice got my attention before I could start heading to the gate. I turned to her to see her running towards me. "Remember Steven's memory chip? The one he gave you?"

I nodded a bit, Bosco holding Oreo's leash as she got out beside me. "I do...why?"

She pointed behind her, and Orion walked over to us. A bedazzled patch made by Jorgeous covered where her right eye would've been, and while she was still scarred up and small looking, she was getting much healthier and quickly reversing the damage being trapped in the park had done to her.

She looked up at us with a small smile, a bundle of pink fur draped over her shoulders. "I was able to build him..." She said softly, pressing a button under the fur. The head raised, and Steven opened his eyes to face us. His paws swung on Orion's shoulders as he let out a loud purr.

I smiled, carefully lifting my hand up to smooth out the fur on Steven's muzzle. "You actually managed to do it..."

"I did. And he remembers all of us." Orion said proudly. Steven rubbed his head up under the girl's chin, his paws kneading against her shirt as his tail wrapped around her.

Jorgeous squealed and kissed Orion's cheek, petting Steven affectionately. "We're like a little family now. You guys included."

"Trauma bonded forever." Jasmine joked as she walked up to join us, taking Bosco's hand.

I had grown so used to working alone for so long, that I had forgotten what true friendship and companionship really was. The past six months had really shown me what I had been missing out on. If anything good came out of this case, it was that I had found a group of people I truly cared about and who cared about me.

As a group, we walked over to the entrance. The place was now a beautiful garden, different paths stretching out and leading to picnic areas and little playgrounds dedicated to Angel. That was Bosco's idea.

"Angie! Over here!" Sergeant Velour called out from the small clearing in the middle. She stood in front of a fountain and Bosco and I gasped softly when seeing what was in the center of it.

It had been my idea, but I didn't think it'd actually fall through. Statues of the five girls stood in the center. Kerri, Camden, Daya, and Maddy with a babygirl in her arms. I gazed up at it, walking up to it and tracing my finger over the metal plate on the fountain's edge that dedicated the whole place to them. "You really had it done...?"

"Of course I did. They deserve to be remembered." Sergeant Velour said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "This case meant a lot to you. Now their memory will live on."

I nodded, putting my arm around Bosco when she stood beside me and leaned against my shoulder. We gazed up at the center of the fountain, looking at the statues and the pictures of the girls that had been spread out.

"I'll give you all some privacy. Enjoy the gardens." Sergeant Velour said with a smile, nodding to the others before walking down one of the paths with Shea, who had been waiting for her.

Steven let out a happy sounding purr and mewl when he laid his eyes on the fountain. He gazed up at the girls as well, clinging on tightly to Orion as Jorgeous stroked the top of his head. Jasmine pressed a comforting kiss to Bosco's cheek. "You okay, baby?"

Bosco nodded, finally tearing her eyes away. "I'm perfect. Better than I have been in a while."

An arm wrapped around one of mine, and I looked down to see Camden had appeared. She looked up at me with those bright eyes, giggling softly. "This place is so perfect, my Angie..."

I let her lay her head on my chest and I rested mine on top of hers, only looking up when Bosco nudged my arm. "Angie, look..."

Not too far from where we stood, in one of the fields of flowers, were three figures. No, four. Daya, Maddy, and Kerri gazed back at us, a small bundle in Maddy's arms. She smiled, moving so we could see the figure of a babygirl. Daya reached her hand over, raising the little arm of Angel and having her wave to us.

My heart melted. We waved back, and just as soon as they had been there, they were gone. Bosco looked up at me, wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.

"They're always with us." She said softly. "They're always watching over us. I can feel it, but it's not sad anymore. They feel so at peace now."

I nodded in agreement, Camden pulling herself closer to my chest. "And some are just a little physically closer." I laughed a little, blushing softly when Camden raised her head and brushed her lips against my jaw.

What used to lurk beneath this place was gone. He was gone. And he would never hurt another soul again.

And the ones he did, were free. And they would always be with us.


Ahhhh I enjoyed writing this story so muchhh, I hope you enjoyed reading it despite the sadness. I really hope I made up for it all with Camden basically being like Castiel from Supernatural and Angie and Bosco having a Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde like friendship.

I've never written something like this before, so who knows, maybe I'll do it again. Thank you for reading~

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