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Angie's POV:

"Missing urban explorer, Orion Story, found alive in the abandoned World of Discovery amusement park." The news reporter's voice said from the TV. I stared at the screen, mentally groaning. I hated giving interviews, especially in the middle of a case, but I had a feeling the station was going to be filled with people asking questions.

I turned it off when they started talking about how Orion was in the hospital, sighing as I rubbed my head. I hated when reporters and news outlets got involved before they knew all the details. They had done it to me too many times during past investigations.

As I got ready to head back out, even though I was running on only a couple hours of sleep, I looked around for any sign of Camden. She had been right beside me when I closed my eyes, but gone when I woke up. There was a strange feeling all around me though, like she was still here but hidden.

I sighed, finding myself wanting to physically see her again. "Camden?" I called out. "Are...you still here?"

It was quiet, but the living room light started to flicker. She was still here. I grabbed my bag, looking around one more time. "You're gonna come with me, aren't you?" Part of me wanted her to do just that.

There was a cold touch on my arm, and I took that as a yes. I stepped outside, not at all prepared for the day. I had so many questions and so many worries. I needed to check in on Orion, I needed to find the Bryce that was mentioned in Maddy's note and inform him about our discoveries, and most importantly I had to find out who this Hastings guy was and learn exactly how dangerous he was.

I was silent the whole ride to Bosco's house, that cold touch not leaving my arm. It was almost comforting, like a sign that I wasn't completely in this alone. I watched as Bosco stumbled over to the car, looking exhausted as she got in.

She leaned her head back, rubbing her eyes. "...Camden attached to you, didn't she?"

I was surprised she was able to pick up on that so quickly. "Uh, yeah. I guess she did..."

Bosco fidgeted with the EMF Meter in her hands, watching as it flashed yellow. "I can feel her. The meter is picking up on her too."

I hesitated for a moment, tapping my nails against the wheel of my car. "Is it...bad that I don't really mind it? Like aren't I supposed to be scared or want her to leave me alone?"

Bosco looked up at me, tilting her head. "I mean, that's usually the first reaction. But Camden doesn't seem like a bad spirit. I think she's just lonely and sad and something about you she found comforting. You have full control over whether she stays or detaches."

"I do?" I asked quietly, the cold around my arm getting stronger, as if she was holding on in fear that I'd make her leave.

Bosco nodded her head. "You do. If you'd like her to leave, you can politely ask her to step away. After all, you're alive. You have the upperhand."

I bit my lip, the radio starting to glitch as if Camden was affecting it. I took a deep breath. "I don't think I want her to leave..."

Bosco smiled a bit and the radio went back to normal. "Then it seems like you've got a friend for life here. I wish I had gotten that lucky with whatever used to be attached to me."

I raised a brow, glancing to the side at her. The cold feeling had moved across my lap and chest, but I still couldn't see Camden. "What happened with yours...?"

Bosco looked out the window, lost in thought. It was obvious we were both talking about other things to keep ourselves from speaking about what we saw yesterday. "I went to this place called the Sallie House." She started to explain. "I communicated with what I thought was the spirit of a little girl. I would roll a ball, and she'd roll it right back to me. When I got back home, I learned she had attached without me knowing. I'm usually really good about keeping spirits from attaching to me, but I still didn't think this was a big deal. Until I learned what she really was..."

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