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Bosco's POV:

I turned my attention back to them when I heard her, tilting my head as she continued.

"If she was really gone, I feel like I would...feel her presence you know?" Jorgeous said quietly. "But I don't. I think she just needs help getting out..." She looked down at her hands.

Angie glanced at me as if I had the answer. I had seen three spirits, but had felt the presence of potentially more than four. I didn't want to shatter this girl's hopes of her girlfriend still being alive, so I didn't dare say that out loud. Instead, I sat beside her.

"It's been quite a while..." I said. "You really think she survived in there for this long?" I left out the part about us almost dying in there after only being there for a day.

Jorgeous nodded her head quickly. "I know she's still there and she's waiting for someone to help her. I've tried getting in before but there was always something keeping me out..."

Angie raised a brow. "You tried getting in there?"

"Multiple times. I know she's there." Jorgeous clenched her fists, and I was beginning to think she was insane. Sometimes grief does that to people. Suddenly her face lit up, and she looked up at Angie.

"I can go with you guys!" She stood up from the table. "If I'm with you then I can help find her! I know she'll answer to me. I know she will. Please can I go with you?"

Angie stared at her, looking extremely hesitant. "Uh...I'm not sure about that..." She eyed Jorgeous up and down. "This isn't just an abandoned place..."

Jorgeous rolled her eyes. "I know. And I know I don't look super intimidating and tough but I want to be the one who who finds my baby and brings her home." She crossed her arms,

Angie rubbed her head, obviously trying to get out of this. "The last thing I need is for you getting hurt. The responsibility of that falls on my shoulders. I can't risk that."

Jorgeous sighed, nervously twirling one of her two ponytails around her hand. "I wouldn't get hurt. I swear. You guys obviously need all the help you can get, considering teams of police couldn't find anyone who went missing there. What makes you think just the two of you can?"

Angie stiffened. Jorgeous technically did have a point, but I kept my mouth shut. Even though this girl had no idea what she was really getting into.

"...Just this once." Angie mumbled, gathering all the papers and pictures from Orion's file back together. "But you aren't allowed out of our sight. Do you understand?"

"You sound like my mom." Jorgeous huffed, but nodded. "I'll be good. I promise. I just want to find my girlfriend."

Angie and I shared a look, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. This poor girl was about to be really disappointed.

She joined us in Angie's car, sitting in the back and taking deep breaths. Behind her determined facade, she was obviously nervous. And the fact that we were heading back there was settling in for me as well.

I didn't sleep at all. My dreams were such a blur and left me feeling vulnerable and scared. It was like something was trying to reach me in them, but all I could hear was static and the sound of screaming. There was one thing I could make out though. The tall frame of a girl, swinging at one of the robots just as Angie had.

I leaned against the window, sighing softly as silence filled the car. "Did you have any weird dreams last night, Angie?"

Angie remained quiet before slowly nodding. "Yeah..." She responded in a hushed whisper, not wanting the girl who sat behind her to hear. "I can't remember much, but that one ghost was there. The Camden one."

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