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Bosco's POV:

"Come on, sweetie. You can do it. Just open your eyes a little."

The sound of the unfamiliar voice made my head throb. Everything made my head throb. I groaned softly, struggling to open my eyes as I tried to move. There was a cold touch on the side of my face, keeping me from moving my head too much.

"You're so close, you can do it." I felt my head being lifted and set onto something cold. "Come on, hun."

That didn't sound like Angie. Or Jasmine, or Jorgeous, or even Camden's spirit. But that voice also sounded like I had just heard her moments ago the more I listened to it. I slowly opened my eyes despite the awful pain in my head, and was met by the spirit of Daya.

She smiled and tilted her head, holding mine in her lap. "There you go. I knew you'd wake up." She said softly. I stared up at her with wide eyes, unable to move or speak as she looked to the side. "Maddy, she's awake."

"This one isn't..." Maddy's quiet voice responded. I slowly tilted my head in Daya's lap, finding Angie laying limply on the ground and the spirit of Maddy gently running a hand through her hair. I tried to find my voice, starting to shake.

"Shh, you're okay now." Daya soothed when she noticed, her cold hand running up and down my arm. "They can't find you here. He can't find you here."

I looked up at her again, still not able to speak as I studied her. She was pale and cold like Camden, tear stains running down her cheeks. Deep gash marks ran across her chest, and an overwhelming feeling of pain and suffering washed off of her despite her gentle smile.

Maddy was almost the same. Except instead of her chest, it was her stomach. Deep gashes lined her body and I had to turn away. I didn't want to remember what I just saw. It hurt too much.

Suddenly Angie gasped, her eyes snapping open as she regained consciousness. She stared up at Maddy in fear, shaking and about to scream until the girl placed her glowing hand over her mouth and held a finger up to her lips.

"Please don't scream-" She said quickly, a panicked look on her face. "You'll alert them if you scream. You're safe here, I promise..."

Angie took quick and deep breaths as Maddy pulled her hand away. I finally managed to sit up from Daya's lap, grabbing onto Angie's hand. "W-Where are we...?" I choked out, flashes of what I had seen these two girls go through replaying in my head.

"We're in the mascot changing room. They don't come in here." Daya explained, gazing down at me. I felt like she could see right through me. She reached a hand out, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I shivered, leaning against Angie as I studied the walls around us. They were lined with different costumes. The empty eyes of different mascots stared back at me, like they were taunting me and the whole situation. I took a shaky breath, closing my eyes and hoping when I opened them I'd be back home with Jasmine and none of this would be real.

But I opened them to still be in this room, the two spirits watching us and still clinging onto Angie who was in just as much shock as me. Maddy tilted her head, looking Angie up and down before leaning her head against her shoulder.

"You came to help us?" She asked in a whisper, the tear stains on her face looking like they were still fresh.

Angie glanced down at her. I could feel her trembling against me as she slowly nodded her head. "Y-Yeah...we're going to try..."

Maddy rubbed her cheek with the back of her hand, but the tears still remained. "All of us?" Her voice shook.

Before Angie could answer, the door opened and a familiar static sound filled the room. Steven ducked inside, taking up most of the space in the room as his tail pulled the door closed and his chest opened up.

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