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Angie's POV:

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

I stuffed anything I could think of needing into my bag. I had instructed Bosco to do the same. We weren't leaving the place anymore until everyone was found and saved. And set free. And possibly with a giant pink robot with us.

Camden watched me work. I couldn't see her, but I could feel her presence all around me as I laid out one of my bulletproof vests. Oreo stared up at me with his wide eyes, and I sighed as I pet the small dog's head. "I'll be okay, buddy..."

"She'll be okay." Camden's quiet voice said in confirmation. I immediately turned around, finding her sitting on the edge of my bed. She smiled, waving. "Hi."

It was like I was talking to a real person. "...Hi, Camden..."

Camden hummed and walked over. At least I thought she did. She kinda drifted over the floor. "Angie?" Her tone was soft as she approached. "I know what I am now. Something is changing. Don't you know it too?"

I stared at her in confusion. "Uh...your tears are fading. But I'm not sure if I know what you mean..."

Camden giggled a little, moving her hair and turning around with her back towards me. I tilted my head before my eyes widened. Between her pale shoulder blades were what seemed to be two tufts of white feathers.

"Do you understand yet?" Camden asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. As I put the pieces together, I slowly started to realize what she was hinting at.

"I-I-" I stuttered as I tried to find my words. I was hardly ever at a loss for words. "Y-You're my..."

Camden smiled, laying her hands on my cheeks. They weren't as cold as usual. "I'm your guardian angel, Angie."

I felt stiff, frozen in place as I let her hold onto me. She was starting to feel more solid. It was weird. "You're my...guardian angel?"

Camden giggled again, hugging me tighter. I didn't know she could do that. "I am. I'm here to protect you. It's the least I can do to repay you for finding us."

I was quiet before slowly finding myself holding onto her as well. It was different than the last time. She was definitely more solid. Her once bone chilling embrace was almost comforting now. Not warm, but comforting and less cold than before. I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I had been holding, listening to her soothing humming.

"You need to rest." She pulled away and took my hand, leading my to my bed. "Rest and I'll see if I can find anything else you might need tomorrow. I'm going to keep you safe."

I was almost in a trance as I listened to her. I let her help me lay down, feeling her hand running through my hair. I looked up at her once more, finding a hint of color in her eyes and a tinge of ginger in her hair against all the white and gray of her spirit.

"I'm not very brave..." She spoke again. "Not as brave as you. But I'm gonna do my best..."

I didn't know how to respond. I opened my mouth to say something but she hushed me by raising a finger, lifting Oreo up and laying him beside me. He took it as some actual human picking him up.

"Rest, my Angie." She said as I let myself close my eyes. "You need it, my brave hero."

There was a brush of cold but soft lips against my cheek, and I finally allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

Bosco's POV:

I looked through my things, crossing off items on my list. "Mhm..." I said to myself, hoping I would have everything I needed. I might have way over packed on lighters and sage, but who knows when those would come in handy in that place.

"I'm going with you tomorrow." Jasmine said. I looked up, finding her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"No you're not, baby." I said, adding extra batteries into my bag. "You're staying here where you'll be safe."

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "It wasn't a question. It was a statement." She said. "And I'm not any safer here with those dolls in the next room."

I quickly held a finger up to my lips. "Don't let them hear that-"

Jasmine groaned, sitting down and watching me pack my stuff for tomorrow. "Coco I'm going with you no matter what you say. Jorgeous is coming too. You and Angie can't do this alone and I know you're both skilled and stuff but we can't let anything bad happen to you guys and risk you guys getting trapped in there too and-"

I hushed her by kissing her lips, cupping her face in my hands. "I love you so much, Jasmine..." I said softly as I pulled away. "That's why I want you to stay here. Where you aren't in danger."

Jasmine took a shaky breath. "I love you so much too. That's why I need to go with you..." Her voice cracked and she teared up. "Please Coco? Please...?"

I sighed, not wanting her to get hurt. So I quickly thought of something. "You stay outside the gate. With Jorgeous." I told her. "If Angie and I need you two, we will call you. Do we have a deal?"

Jasmine knew that was the best she was going to get. She slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah, I can work with that..."

I smiled, pulling her into my arms and peppering her face in kisses. "We're going to be okay. I'm going to set the spirits free, Hastings will be arrested, we'll get that animatronic for Orion, and it'll be all back to normal."

Jasmine held tightly onto me, hiding her face in my neck. "You promise...?"

I kissed her temple, stroking her hair gently. "I promise."

Daya's POV:

Rain poured down outside the showroom we were trapped in, the thunder making the old building shake. The animatronics were still on the stage, unable to move now that the storm had knocked out the power. But they were still terrifying, and we didn't dare go near them.

"They didn't come today, Daya..." Maddy's shaky voice echoed in the showroom. "Why didn't they come back for us?"

I turned to her, finding her curled up next to me in a fetal position. I frowned, pulling her into my arms. "They'll come back, Mads. I promise they'll come back."

Maddy shivered heavily, flinching at the sound of more thunder outside. She never liked storms, even when we were alive. "I hope so..." She cried.

We were silent as we listened to the rain. It was lonely. And everything hurt so much. I laid my head on top of my best friend's, trying to push my anger and sadness away.

"It's so cold..." Maddy whispered, trying to get closer. "S-So cold. I want to be warm again. I want my baby. I-I want out..."

"I know..." My voice cracked as I held onto her. I tried warming her up, but it was no use. "They're going to help us find Angel, Maddy. I promise..."

Maddy shook her head. "We can't believe promises anymore, Daya..." She said.

I knew she was right. We sat in silence once more, in our endless cycle of pain and feeling freezing cold. I could only hope they were coming back for us. And that they'd succeed.


Short chapter sorryyy, but shit is going down in the next chapters.

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