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Angie's POV:

We watched from a distance as the abandoned amusement park burned to the ground. The fire was being hurriedly put out, but it was therapeutic in a way to see the place left as nothing but ash. I hope Vincent Hastings suffered the worst death imaginable.

I slumped down onto the parking lot ground, groaning as my pain and exhaustion caught up to me. Bosco sat beside me, leaning her head against my shoulder as Jasmine used a water bottle and rag from the car to attempt to clean her girlfriend's injuries. Jorgeous sat on the hood of the car, sniffling quietly as she looked down at Steven's memory card.

I still felt uneasy, looking around us. The spirits had saved us from Hastings, but we were supposed to be saving them. "W-Where are they...?" I said just above a whisper.

"I don't know..." Bosco answered, petting Oreo's head with a shaking hand. "I know they're already dead and all, but I hope the fire didn't hurt them..."

Before I could respond, Jorgeous tapped my shoulder. "Miss Angie, look..."

I looked up, my eyes going wide. Four figures were walking towards us in the dark of the parking lot. Brighter than ever. There was Camden, looking even more human like. She rushed over first, a small pair of white wings folded against her back and the outline of a circle above her head. A halo.

"I told you I'd protect you." She smiled, snuggling up against my side. She felt so warm. So life like. The other three followed her. All of the remnants to their injuries were gone, the tear stains that had been constantly running down their faces had disappeared, and Kerri's spirit was finally free of that awful suit.

I pulled myself up, Camden continuing to cling to my side as the others approached. Daya smiled, her arm linked with Maddy's.

"You did it..." She said softly. "You really did it."

I pulled myself up, Camden still staying close. "W-We did..." I said softly, leaning against the car for support. "But we wouldn't have been able to without you guys helping us that last second..."

"He won't be hurting anyone anymore." Kerri spoke up. Her voice was clearer now that she was out of the suit, her head held high as she examined herself.

"And it's thanks to you two." Maddy said, her eyes bright as she gazed up at me and Bosco. "I didn't think you'd really come back for us."

Bosco held onto my arm as she stood up, trying to keep her balance. "There was no way we could just leave you all..." She replied, her grip on me tight. When we were done here, she was immediately being taken to the ER. I should probably be checked out too at this point.

Maddy smiled, and I jumped when Bosco and I were pulled into a tight embrace. Maddy wrapped her arms around us, Daya joining her soon after. The taller spirit held her hand out for Kerri, who hesitated before taking it and letting Daya pull her in too. A head rested on my shoulder and I leaned mine against it, knowing it was Camden.

It was quiet, before Bosco spoke up again. "I think it's time..." She said quietly. "For you guys to cross over..."

They pulled away, and Daya gave a small nod. "I think so." She agreed, twirling a strand of Maddy's hair. "You ready to go see her?"

Maddy nodded quickly, gazing up at the sky. Through the fading smoke, stars dotted the dark sky. I don't think I had ever seen them so bright before. "I'm more than ready. We've been waiting for too long."

Daya smiled, turning to us. "This isn't goodbye." She promised. "We'll always be watching over you. Some more than others." She giggled a bit when motioning to Camden. "But we'll be there. And we'll be waiting to greet you when it's your time to join us."

I smiled. I actually managed to smile. "That means a lot..." I said softly. Going into this, I didn't believe in that sort of stuff that much, but now this had completely changed almost everything about me. "Now go say hi to that sweet baby for us."

Kerri crossed over first. She looked up at me with bright eyes, finally smiling and dipping her head. "Thank you..." She whispered before her glowing figure faded. It ached to see her go, because I knew she deserved more out of life than what she was given, but it was a relief to know she wasn't in pain anymore.

Bosco and I were embraced again by Daya and Maddy. The two grabbed hold of each other's hands before they too faded away with more whispered thank yous, their hold on us disappearing. Part of me felt sad, but I was so happy to know they would be reunited with the baby they cared so much about.

I turned around, finding Camden still looking up at me. I bit my lip, taking a shaky breath. "It's time to go, sweetheart..." I told her, my voice cracking. "You're free now..."

Camden slowly nodded. "I know I'm free." She said softly. "That's why I'm choosing to stay here. They chose to crossover and watch over all of you that way, but I'm choosing to stay with you." She reached out for my hand, her fingertips looking as if they were sparkling. "If that's okay..."

My heart seemed to swell. If that's what she wanted, then I wanted it too. I let her take my hand. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be in anymore pain here..."

Camden smiled. "There's no more pain here with you, Angie. I promise."

A weight felt lifted off of my shoulders. I hadn't realized I wasn't ready to let go of her until now. If she was happy here, then I was letting her stay attached to me. I wouldn't have it any other way now.

There was one more person I wasn't ready to let go of.

"Bosco?" I turned to her after fetching a small stack of papers from my car, finding Jasmine helping her into their own car.

Bosco looked up at me with tired eyes, leaning her head against the seat she was in. "Y-Yeah?"

I didn't exactly know how to say this. "When this first all started, I really did not like you. You kinda got on my nerves."

Bosco stared up at me. "I...thank you I think?"

I smiled and shook my head. "But now, I don't think I could do another investigation without you." I handed her the papers. "I've been in need of an assistant for years now, I was just too stubborn to accept one. But I think you can handle it. Think about it, maybe?"

Bosco's eyes were wide as she read over the papers that listed requirements and training she would need. She tried to hide it, but there was a small smile on her face. "I...that sounds so cool-" She finally said. "I'll think about it-"

"Let me know." I said, earning a surprised look from Jasmine. "I'll meet you two at the emergency room."

Jasmine nodded quickly, getting in beside Bosco who kept reading through the papers. I led Jorgeous to my car, letting her hug Oreo to her chest. She slowly sat beside me, holding the small dog on her lap and Steven's memory chip tight in her hand. "Miss Angie?"

"You can just say Angie, dear." I told her, sitting down. Camden was out of sight, but the small weight on my chest and lap were enough to tell me she was still here. "What is it?"

Jorgeous leaned against the window, small scrapes along her body, but nothing too dangerous. "It's gonna all be okay now?"

I finally had confidence to answer that truthfully. "It'll all be okay now."


Only the epilogue is left! And you know I couldn't just ruin the Camgeria and leave Angie without her guardian angel

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