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❌Graphic descriptions of violence and,,,really gross stuff❌

Angie's POV:

I couldn't look away from the test in my hand. A million thoughts rushed through my head. How far along was she? Did she want to have the baby? Did anyone else know? I took a shaky breath, looking in Maddy's old bag again and pulling out a folded up paper.

I hesitated before opening it, finding the lines covered in neat cursive writing. Maybe one of the last things Maddy ever wrote. I shined my flashlight down on it, trying to remain collected as I read it.


I should've told you this so much sooner and I feel horrible that I didn't. But I'm pregnant. And you're 100% the father.

I know our relationship wasn't the best at the end, but I'm really hoping we can mend our friendship at least. For the sake of the baby.

I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant, and I feel absolutely awful I let myself get this far along without saying something to you. I was terrified you'd make me get rid of the baby and didn't know how to tell you. Please try to understand, I'm so so sorry.

Maybe we can talk or something before my shift one night? Discuss things and come to an agreement? It's up to you. You know where to find me.

- Maddy

Part of me listed Bryce as a suspect now, until I realized that man had never gotten to receive this note. To this day he most likely didn't know he would've been a dad. I sighed, jumping when feeling a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?" Bosco asked. "You've been over here for a bit. Someone's really taken a liking to you by the way." She pointed to my side.

Camden was holding onto my arm, looking at us with wide eyes. It was so strange. Her touch wasn't really a touch. It was just cold and almost frost-like. If she didn't seem harmless and wanting help, I would be absolutely terrified.

"I'm fine..." I whispered, slowly handing her the pregnancy test and note. Bosco tilted her head before she realized what it was.

"Oh..." Her voice lowered. "Poor sweeties..."

I placed the two items in a plastic bag to take them back to the station with me. Camden watched as I placed it into my bag, pulling on the sleeve of my jacket. "Miss Detective...?"

Her voice was quiet, sending shivers down my spine when she addressed me. I turned to her, trying not to freak out. "Y-Yes?"

Camden looked down, slowly linking her arm with mine. My whole body felt cold under her touch, but I didn't dare move. "Baby...isn't with her." She spoke quietly.

Bosco and I shared a glance. "What do you mean the baby isn't with her?" I asked, not quite understanding just yet.

Camden shivered, fading a bit as she began to run out of energy. "Maddy's baby isn't with her..."

I was silent before slowly starting to realize what she meant. I felt sick, swaying and having to hold onto the wall for support. I thought this situation couldn't get anymore sick and twisted. "W-Where's her baby?"

Camden pointed down, meeting my eyes. "Taken underneath. Like me."

Before I could ask anything more, she was gone. I looked around, desperately trying to find her again until Bosco laid a hand on my shoulder.

"She needs more energy." She said, taking more flashlights out of her bag and setting them up around the room. "Don't worry, she's still here. I can feel her."

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