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❌Graphic descriptions of corpses and overall gross shit❌

Angie's POV:

Bosco was waiting at the gate, Jasmine and Jorgeous with her. I raised a brow as I got out of the car, holding Oreo's leash and helping him out. He was going to come in handy today. I walked back to the trunk, opening it up and motioning for Bosco to come over.

"I promise you, they're staying outside unless we desperately need them." She said as she approached. "I couldn't get them to stay away..."

"As long as they stay out, it's fine." I told her, grabbing a pack of bags from the trunk and handing it to her. "Do you have room in your bag for those?"

Bosco tilted her head but nodded as she held them. "I think so. What are they for?"

I glanced down at her, sighing softly. "They're body bags." I answered, grabbing a second pack and placing it in my bag. I didn't know exactly how many I was going to need.

Bosco stared up at me. "...O-Oh. Is that what we're doing today?"

I nodded, grabbing a crowbar and closing the trunk. "It's time. Will finding the bodies help us free them?"

Bosco thought about it, following me to the gate. "Well, I'm not sure exactly. I have candles and lighters ready to do a ritual to set them free if that doesn't work."

I had never done something like that, but if it was going to set them free, I was going to try it. I handed Bosco Oreo's leash, unlocking the gate. "Jasmine, Jorgeous, I expect you to both stay out here. We will call if we need you."

They both nodded, sharing a glance. If they didn't listen to me, they were in serious trouble. Not with me, but with whatever was waiting for us behind this gate today. I let the lock and chains fall to the pavement for what would be the last time, taking a deep breath.

"Question. Why is your dog here?" Bosco asked, picking Oreo up and holding him protectively. "What if he gets hurt?"

"He's going to help us." I said as I pushed the gate open, wincing at the loud screech. "He's going to help us find Kerri. And hopefully Angel."

Bosco looked nervous, but nodded. I couldn't blame her. I took my dog's leash again, watching as she went to hug Jasmine and give her another kiss. I was trying to remain positive, but I was hoping that wouldn't be their last goodbye.

I jumped when feeling a cold touch on my arm. I couldn't see Camden, I desperately wanted to, but I could feel her comforting presence. And that was enough for now.

Bosco took a deep breath, turning back to me. "I'm ready when you are."

I nodded, saying a short and silent prayer as I led her in to the death trap. I looked up past the overgrown trees and at the very top of the deteriorating roller coaster in the distance. A chill went down my spine as I did. It was like something was watching and waiting.

We headed for the showroom first. Where we knew most of the bodies would be. Hopefully where all of them were. We walked through the large puddles left behind from the rain the night before, and whenever I focused on them for too long, I could've sworn they were turning a dark red. I shivered once more, pulling the collar of my jacket up.

"I have a bad feeling, Angie..." Bosco whispered, her EMF Meter in hand as she watched Oreo walk beside us.

I sighed, laying a hand on her shoulder. "We'll be okay, I promise."

Bosco nodded, but didn't seem convinced. It was quiet as we walked through the overgrown garden, the messy branches and dying leaves looking more intimidating than ever. It was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. "Camden looks...different. Do you know what she is yet?"

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